New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

you’re partially correct he was a socialist, tho he was very clearly a democratic socialist and not a marxist socialist, the 2 while they both aim for a socialist society the means of getting there and even what that looks like in the end differ rather signficantly.

i would be more then happy to elaborate on the differences if you’d like to engage in civil discourse instead of the typical vitriol spewing seen on the forums.

George Orwell fought along side POUM

yes and he did so because he absolutely despised the brand of socialism that soviet style communism represented, and its fascist undertones his views very much aligned with democratic socialism and not the totalitarian fascism of marxist socialism

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-George Orwell

He was a democratic socialist that fought with POUM (marxists)

Unfortunately any form of socialism ultimately leads to authoritarianism because it is not natural to take resources from one person who earned it and give it to people who didn’t. Eventually the people who produce resources decide not to. And it requires top-down authoritarian control to force people to continue the system.


correct, make no mistake i’m no socialist, nore do i support it however i do feel it is important to make a distinction between the 2 and accurately understand which camp various historical figures like Orwell were in

True, fair enough.

That lawsuit likely scared Blizzard to the point that all this feminist written lore is a conclusion of it. Yes, we did see it creeping into the game as far back as BFA, but after that lawsuit, they went full charge into making sure women become fruit and that they are front and center. No longer is a male character allowed any masculinity or heroism. Only weak men and women who act like men.

So they took on the mantle of feminism and here we are. Every quest and every story beat has us seeing the same pattern. The downbeaten male and the Female Boss character that happens to just be better.

For all of you who defend the story, even if you are either naive or lack the iq to see the big picture, even you can see that there is a discrepancy going on that is intentional. I’ve seen all the arguments and what I realized is that a good lot of the defenders actually are aware of the unbalancedness going on. Though you praise it as a good thing and that it was deserved after years of just male characters in power, you don’t realize your feelings come from emotion rather than a rationale. You cannot see that this is what makes it non-genuine. Were I on your side, I would absolutely call out how fake Blizzard is being. But you instead eat it up as some form of come-uppance, and THAT is what I have a problem with.


indeed, but that doesn’t make him a marx socialist anymore then it makes the united states or great britain communist for fighting alongside the soviet union against a mutual enemy… the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Like hell they would make all the warlords female to DIE as villains, what the hell were you smoking

Thinking male characters can only be masculine or heroic through strength is actually a key sign that you have no literary comprehension lmao

Thinking strength and heroism is what defines masculinity by itself is a key sign that you’re a kindergarten.


He rejected Stalin’s interpretation and implementation of Marxism. Doesn’t mean he didn’t support the anarchist’s Marxist ideologies hence why he fighted alongside them

I agree lol

So why are you making that argument?

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I want you to keep reading it until you see why it’s different, grasshopper.

You do understand that the lead protagonists were predominantly male in Draenor too, right? My point stands.

Or you could just explain it.

Or would doing so open you up to scrutiny since it’s the same thing? lmao

his every work from the mid 30’s on by his own statements…one of which you yourself qouted just 1day ago was in favor of Democratic socialism, and not marxism.

This has never been a thing in warcraft. Medivh saved the world in WC3 through cunning and diplomacy. There were ALSO strong warriors like Grom and Thrall. It took both to win, but now the strength part has been removed. This reductive thinking is entirely coming from you. Older games were much MORE nuanced and had far greater characterization of both male and female characters. Now you get bland stereotypes of both catered to left wing political tropes, that seem bizarre to anyone not in that bubble (most of the world).


The two are not mutually exclusive