New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

That’s cause the quality of writers has gone down. They lack imagination. Badly. They can’t think of a scenario to make a character seem truly intelligent or truly wise, because they, themselves aren’t any of those and while it’s good to be smart when you are a writer, if you are not, at least do some research, find some examples of people distinguishing themselves and try to build your characters from there. No, not them, they are too lazy.

And why are they lazy? Because they can be. DEI the hell out of a character, write it in the mediocre to bad fashion they have become known for and that’s that, because people are reluctant to talk about the DEI, cause that sets off certain people and creates drama. But I’m afraid this is the only solution. Talking about it.


He was a dialectical materialist. You’d know that if you read his books.

You can claim body counts from ideologies all you’d like, but capitalism under the British empire claimed more lives than the modernization of the USSR or PCR. Let alone all the more recent wars and genocides.

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how hard was it to write a character like Eowyn.

I really think it all comes down to the corporate culture at blizzard in the narrative teams. Nobody there has the courage to write a story in a believable way. We are just supposed to accept that this group of crusaders fighting for their lives against a monstrous spider empire would even entertain the idea of a character like Faerin being a soldier. Or have a woman as their main general. Its just laughable.

It really says a lot about the points of view there that they think the only way they can have a “strong” female lead is to portray them as an imitation man, when in reality feminity has always been women’s greatest strength.


The transcendence of private property = a utopian (literally Gnostic, for that matter) faith not based in reality.

Morally, this matters a lot.

Capitalism - ideas about individuals and markets, as such, claimed no life ever. Only Statism and Collectivism have.

Now that’s just being disingenuous and twisting human history.
While also ignoring a lot of it.

Which are all results of Communism weakening liberal countries from within and other forms of socialistic collectivism maintaining outside agitators in the same barbaric state that caused them to agitate to begin with. All larger manifestations of the SAME Envy disposition Marx held throughout his life, carried, glorified and developed by literal gen0c1dal dictators in the past, and today supported via moral relativism in postmodernism explicitly in some places, global and local around the world. This info is available on the internet for anyone to see, or if you really want to experience what that cult is like, join a university like I regrettably have. Or watch new movies lol

Capitalism - South Korea
Socialism - North Korea.

Look up an image from space, and tell me where you’d rather live, where you could post on the WoW forum lol
Where you have the liberty to question authority, and where a literal thought police exists.
The sphere we are in, which is supposed to promote escapism, is starting to emulate the latter dystopia quite alarmingly and rapidly. Where people are gaslit out of reason and scolded for advocating for liberal values in their literal, historical sense e.g. blindness to superficiality and genetic markers, trust in human ingenuity, individuality, etc.

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Oh please stop.

They don’t really need to stick to the norms. A woman can be smart and badass as long as you make the story around it believable. For example, maybe not have her correcting the biggest boss in the room to show how dang smart she is, have her start out with the noob in the room, have her do stuff, show us she’s good at what she does, not over the top good, but infer the idea she’s getting better, then have her correct the second noob in the room and so on, development. That’s how you make a good character. Not slam a girlboss on the table, DEI-stamp her and dare us to say something netgative about it.

Remember the BFA cinematic? I really like that because there’s a contrast between a good female character and a bad one. Sylvanas she does something unthinkable. She evacuates her city and turns it into a bomb. Extreme, but smart. Then she draws in her enemy and sets off the trap. I liked that. It was daring, smart, desperate, all these things.

Then Elsa, I mean Jaina shows up on a floating ship with magic canons and undoes everything. Good writing vs crap wrting.


It also doesn’t help the US leveled North Korea to the stone age with how much ordinance they dropped upon it.

But this argument isn’t going to go anywhere because you lack the capacity and frame of reference to make a legible point.

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Moral relativism is just counter human nature, counter evolution, counter reality. It’s literally a mind parasite.
Neither Marx, nor You here shielding his infantile ideology for a reason that eludes me (and you’re not the first!), have made any rational, scientific, modern, progressive points about anything. The state of the world today on literally every front is regressing rapidly because of this philosophy, and this is backed up in every field of science where at least SOME conduct honest research - meaning, not motivated by a cult religion to hide and skew information, not trying to re-invent human nature, etc.

I’m going to do something productive now, again…
But I want to drive this point home, once again, yes…
I have advocated for NOT looking at people or characters in terms of uncontrollable, arbitrary, superficial group makers such as race or gender.
Way above, I’ve provided examples of this outlook, such as my protagonist being opposite gender to me due to a roll of dice, and I’m happy about the outcome now that I’ve designed it!
You, and others, started arguing and pushing back against this modern approach, as if I’m some sort of heretic to be put on trial.
I think that reverberates very loudly exactly as to what approach is what, exactly.

I’d wish that everyone reading this thread would look at every person who quoted Marx without being asked to… think about it, and then reply to me that this is anything other than an a regressive cult religion.


I don’t have to read much of what you’ve written to determine that you are a sick, twisted individual who seems to inhabit a plane completely foreign to reality. Communism, Socialism Marxism and all other leftist modes of thought are reponsible for imeasurable times more human suffering than any capitalist, “right-wing” system. This is undisputed. End of story.

I hope you get the help you need soon, “comrade”. Don’t forget to have your 9th booster. Harris 2024, amirite?


I’m still finishing the Campaign in Arathi.

Faerin Lothar comes off as…someone who doesn’t really need to be there.

Ok sure she’s been mauled and has risen up, adapted to be stronger but…we don’t get to see any of that, we’re just shown the end result without any build up.

I’m currently reading through the Siege of Terra and you feel for the Space Marines more because you know they’re facing unwinnable odds, they’re running low on ammunition and even when they lose a limb they fight on knowing they’re the last line of defense if they die the traitors win and Chaos wins which is bad for what’s left of humanity.

I feel like wow writers have adhd they see the end result they want and skip all the build up. If we saw Faerin overcome everything she talks about it would be far more impactful.

Maybe if we saw here like fight off a Nerburian attack when all the other veterans have fallen at a crucial moment of battle and survive being mauled maybe she would’ve made more of an impact on us.

The truth is the dudes see through the plot after 10 expansions and have had enough. Ladies can take the next 6 expansion sets saving the day while we sit back and chill.

Im more concerned with the lack of horde characters. What is Thrall even doing?

thrall and jaina are getting the horde/alliance fleets.

Respectfully, I think you’re misunderstanding the issue. It’s not about all male or all female: that’s such a simple minded gender-based approach. It’s the fact that Blizz went with mostly female characters who all have the traditional characteristics of men (valiant, loyal, aggressive, strong, etc.), while simultaneously creating a bunch of men that are completely inept.

I’m all for everybody getting representation, but ostracizing an entire group to be made into a social punching bag is not that by any stretch of the imagination.


I said “overwhelmingly male leads” and yes it was.
If we were in Warlords of Draenor right now and every characters sex were switched your head would explode.

Every time I see another wall of word vomit from you I’m just going to remind you that George Orwell was a Marx Socialist

Gotta appeal to your demographic. This game totally doesn’t skew male. Im guessing the player base is 92.3333% female at this point. :thinking:

Which normal woman would enjoy a story where men are portrayed as idiots just to play the girl power card?