Simple fact of the matter is that the story does not have all female leads and this line of complaint is just deliberately obtuse.
Earthen are led by a council, not a single person. Setting aside the Ulduar history (all notable heroes and leaders there were male), and focusing only on what we’ve got in this expansion, two of the wards are male. Only the Machine Speaker leader is female. We spend as much or more time with Councilward Merrix (a male). His story is arguably more involved and interesting, and his character has a lot more autonomy, creativity, and leadership initiative. I love Merrix.
The Void “leader,” as you call her, appears female but that designation is dubious in discussion of her actual makeup. She appeared to us as a formless spirit attached to a dagger blade in the beginning, if you will recall. Even if we stipulate that she’s a female in some substantive way that matters, she is the villain…a crazy, power-mad, hungry villain. She’s not the leader of anything. She is an entity from the Void sowing chaos on a planet with a world soul…which is what entities from the Void do.
Alleria Windrunner is a faction hero, not a political leader. She does not rule over anything. She is an advisor and advocate for the Void Elves (a role she shares with Magister Umbric, a man). Her leadership of the High Elves was always a military role, not a political or royal one, and her leadership was earned over centuries of actual accomplishment and courageous victories. There is a statue of her the size of a skyscraper on the bridge into Stormwind for a reason. The High Elves are led politically by Auric Sunchaser (a man) and Alleria’s sister, Vereesa Windrunner.
Hallowfall is a zone, not a faction, so the leaders of the Arathi faction are Lothar (a man) and the General (her name escapes me at the moment), a woman.
The Azj-Kahet factions are led by a queen spider currently under the influence of our new villain. Again, a power-mad, crazy evil female. The resistance is being led by a council of three: two males and one female.
Are you seeing a pattern: Where there is actually a female in charge of people, she is likely to be a power-mad, season 8 Khaleesi-level crazy person.
Anduin isn’t just “being sad.” This first chapter of the campaign is Anduin coming off of a long period of PTSD-related sadness, healing himself, reprioritizing, and finding his leadership mojo again with the help of friends. It’s a good message and they ended things on a very positive trajectory for both Anduin and Alleria.
Our partner in the early delves is Brann, a long-time beloved male Dwarven leader.
There are men everywhere in this game. There are good men everywhere in this game. There are strong and courageous men everywhere in this game. The only people who can’t see that are the ones who get angry when a female NPC appears and has some lines.