New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

woke crap you can call it

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I had no clue who Evola was until I just Google’d it, so thanks for letting me know what more to avoid.

As for the Rand quote I provided, as I looked for anti-race-tribalism quotes from what was familiar to me and most memorable as of late…

To object to or dismiss such position LITERALLY MEANS you are FOR viewing people in terms of race, or gender splits. Don’t try to gaslight people who don’t. It doesn’t make you or those sharing that view look ANY better right here, right now… :frowning:

It appears it is you who forgot to pause and use their rational judgement :confused:
I don’t blame you, though. New Mysticism is a very strong mental substance.


Yeah, because the entirety of society and media exclusively revolved around men, trough all those years of human history

And ONLY NOW, the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, things are “picking up steam”

Stunning and brave, truly, stunning and brave.

Seems like you have this parrot speech ready on twitter and everyone there clapped


Sorry, but NO! You’re so utterly wrong!!! /s

Twitter now allows people who oppose such orthodoxy to voice their opinions and push back unscathed :dracthyr_lulmao:

Catch up to speed, will you :dracthyr_yay_animated: /s

I called Ayn Rand an idiot, not that she was entirely wrong. Racism and sexism do have some broad collective appeal. But “collectivism” isn’t evil any more than humans are evil.

She also quite funnily enough believed everyone should follow their “natural superiors”.

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I mean yeah, it did. Women couldn’t open our own bank accounts until the 70s. And patriarchal agrarian societies were founded on the basis of women as fundamentally less than men.

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So you know more than a lifetime philosopher who saw collectivist totalitarianism first-hand?
Sorry, I underestimated you :+1: /s


:troll: alert!

Her philosophy is literally boiled down to unapologetic individualism, “Rational Self-Interest”.

It’s funny how you lump everything you don’t agree with down the same extreme that makes your retaliation LOOK moral…
But in reality, what you are shielding is a purely collective, revenge-based deterministic hierarchy of violence and oppression…

“Ironic” ~Chancellor Sheev Palpatine :dracthyr_lulmao:


She was quite a few more nasty words than an idiot. But I think it fitting enough she died broke and dependent upon the state that she denigrated for her entire waste of a life.


Ok, so you do see the world in mystical ideological terms.
A person IS a group, a value, a lifestyle…

I have sad news for you. It’s just not how reality is. Not human nature, and not impactful stories like I’ve been trying to advocate for here…

I care about ideas.

It just so happens that the ideas of Rand lead to nothing destructive…

While the ones you are so adamantly protecting for no apparent reason to me… have destroyed hundreds of millions of lives, at least in their history. I also see patterns, so I don’t trust the new clothing to make this particular grandma (group-based collectivism and oppression olympics ala Maoist China) any less of a witch than before.

Unlike Criticial Cultists, I have – and encourage everyone else to pause, gather evidence, and see that people are characters are more than skin deep… But also only represent themselves… or the values of those who wrote them…

This ALMOST convoluted me, because this is how Postmodernism is. By explicit design of its philosopher-deities.
I quoted Orwell on doublethink (contradiction) above in this thread, so I won’t bother to do so again.

My point remains. I’m arguing AGAINST viewing people in group terms and a battle for superiority.
You’re pushing back against me. What exactly IS the logic here, if you are for humanistic / progressive ideas? :confused:
THIS is where I’m genuinely confused, and it’s not the first time in this thread. I think it speaks volumes.
I hope you will one day allow yourself to, ironically, unshackle from these parasitical, destructive ideas.


Words have meaning and there are such things as eternal truths in regard to the human experience.

As to your second point, I’d say yes. Every society that loses its masculinity suffers collapse and crisis. Its happening today across all of western civilization.


BTW what exactly is speaker brinthe suppose to be?

Who greenlit this character?

I think im just going to stick to SoD and play other games.

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Eternal truths as determined by whom? Zeus?

Society usually collapses due to material conditions bringing about lack of things like food, or water. Occasionally there’s a political crisis due to various warlordism - but society doesn’t tend to vanish from that. It just gets more brutal and unforgiving

I’m still impressed by your ability to construct entire mountains of text without any coherent meaning. Do you think nouns constitute an argument? With how much you use terms like “pre modernism”, and “post modernism” it seems like it. Both are so overtly broad words that you say nothing while sounding like you’re making some sort of point to the uneducated

Unlike you, I’m just trying to not be political and tribalistic.

Pre-modernism = Conservatism, Post-modernism = Progressivism.

I don’t subscribe to either.
And your unwillingness to research things should not mean I have to drag down the terms I use. Just like the fact Elon Musk is rich doesn’t mean he should give you, his money.

I also had some time to think. Funny that getting up and moving about does that.
Rand produced much more successful art and motivational philosophy than Marx ever has…
But even if you want to point out neither was very successfull… (which in the case of Rand is absurd)
Again, I’ll repeat to emphasize. What matters is one’s dispositions, their ideas, their philosophy - approach to life.
Rand encouraged people to work for goals and live life heroically, in awe and chase adventure and fulfilment.
Marx, on the other hand wrote a whole cult manuscript that convinced people with his negativity, envy and laziness to live hedonically, exploit and burn the world down if it doesn’t give him everything for free like a baby.

I think the morality here is loud enough, and in plain enough words for anyone to be able to comprehend. There are also tool to help with that, thanks to realists, actual progressive minds. English isn’t even my first language.


This thread has more likes than the one complaining about the dumb new character screen.


So many empowered wamen in here doing what they do best, nag.


Simple fact of the matter is that the story does not have all female leads and this line of complaint is just deliberately obtuse.

Earthen are led by a council, not a single person. Setting aside the Ulduar history (all notable heroes and leaders there were male), and focusing only on what we’ve got in this expansion, two of the wards are male. Only the Machine Speaker leader is female. We spend as much or more time with Councilward Merrix (a male). His story is arguably more involved and interesting, and his character has a lot more autonomy, creativity, and leadership initiative. I love Merrix.

The Void “leader,” as you call her, appears female but that designation is dubious in discussion of her actual makeup. She appeared to us as a formless spirit attached to a dagger blade in the beginning, if you will recall. Even if we stipulate that she’s a female in some substantive way that matters, she is the villain…a crazy, power-mad, hungry villain. She’s not the leader of anything. She is an entity from the Void sowing chaos on a planet with a world soul…which is what entities from the Void do.

Alleria Windrunner is a faction hero, not a political leader. She does not rule over anything. She is an advisor and advocate for the Void Elves (a role she shares with Magister Umbric, a man). Her leadership of the High Elves was always a military role, not a political or royal one, and her leadership was earned over centuries of actual accomplishment and courageous victories. There is a statue of her the size of a skyscraper on the bridge into Stormwind for a reason. The High Elves are led politically by Auric Sunchaser (a man) and Alleria’s sister, Vereesa Windrunner.

Hallowfall is a zone, not a faction, so the leaders of the Arathi faction are Lothar (a man) and the General (her name escapes me at the moment), a woman.

The Azj-Kahet factions are led by a queen spider currently under the influence of our new villain. Again, a power-mad, crazy evil female. The resistance is being led by a council of three: two males and one female.

Are you seeing a pattern: Where there is actually a female in charge of people, she is likely to be a power-mad, season 8 Khaleesi-level crazy person.

Anduin isn’t just “being sad.” This first chapter of the campaign is Anduin coming off of a long period of PTSD-related sadness, healing himself, reprioritizing, and finding his leadership mojo again with the help of friends. It’s a good message and they ended things on a very positive trajectory for both Anduin and Alleria.

Our partner in the early delves is Brann, a long-time beloved male Dwarven leader.

There are men everywhere in this game. There are good men everywhere in this game. There are strong and courageous men everywhere in this game. The only people who can’t see that are the ones who get angry when a female NPC appears and has some lines.

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I doubt that many of those who are satisfied with the story are female. :dracthyr_shrug:
I’m a woman, and I find the story absolutely dreadful. Imagine having to portray all the male NPCs as idiots or just killing them off so that more women can be in the spotlight, who then also have to be portrayed as excessively masculine, like Faerin, because apparently only then can they succeed in a leadership role. And that the writers have so little confidence in the character that they feel the need to give her the name Lothar to make her more relevant.


Another person who hasn’t read Marx, and doesn’t know he was an Economist too

Rand was a secular, enlightenment-based moral philosopher with recommendations for a constructive, practical outlook on life, based on individual proclivities.

Marx was a utopian mystic. His “economics” is a mere cover for a totalizing cult manifesto and applying them starved ~200 MILLION people to their bitter end.

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