New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Let’s be real here male is the majority of all roles versus females which have very few roles.

Have you played the same addon? Do you even read the quests?

Or do you just run around, look at the look of the NPCs and think “Oh yeah baby thats equal!”

Stop dodging questions.

So its masculine to do a job you don’t think you are fit for? I think its more masculine to accepted your shortcomings, knowing when your time is and when it isn’t.

You don’t make sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice. Mufasa’s sacrifice left his kingdom in ruin and the throne occupied by a usurper, he didn’t do it for a greater purpose, he did it for his son.

Anduin also make a sacrifice when he jumps off an airship with no regard for his own safety.

Your dissection of the character of Mufasa and painting that picture, while missing the mark entirely of what made him a masculine figure, is also very telling of your mind space and perspective.

Anduin and Mufasa is not a similar comparison. Apples and oranges. Mufasa is much more akin to Varian.

Anduin is an emotional trainwreck who has 0 resilience, compounded every time he is on the screen. Very beta-esque.

Quite literally 0 of those opinions of yours bear any resemblance to the definition of masculinity.


Please tell me how letting your kingdom fall to a tyrant is masculine. He literally doomed his own people for the sake of his son.

They are comparable, they are both male characters in media.

So you think you shouldn’t accept your failures and shortcomings? That its somehow masculine to do such?

“qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men or boys.” That’s the definition of masculine by the way. Seems open to interpretation don’t you think?

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This outlook only serves the postmodern ideology (Altruism out of Mysticism, out of Neoplatonism - sacrifice to the invisible hand / the collective / the leader / writer of the narrative asking you to do that to begin with… e.g. every totalitarian ruler ever).

Society is constructed and preserved by individuals willing to become their best versions and work hard in their chosen field (often influenced by inclination and disposition, even talent which varies), to chase meaning, beauty and (self-first-)fulfilment. All thanks to human rational intellect, and our ability to creatively reflect and envision creative, exponentially efficient solutions to problems. We can’t change reality, but we can choose our emotional disposition and create tools to help us suit our environment to our needs and aspirations.

Sacrifice narratives attract us mostly due to education on traditional mystifying substructures… but also because we realize deep down that, unfortunately, some will have to sacrifice themselves when faced with an existential situation. But not everybody, and not in the same way. That simply has to be the case if a species is to continue propagating (numbers need to go up over time…).

What’s absurd is that human beings, for all our reflexive capacities, often make each other sacrifice ourselves and one another, because of a refusal to put down our superficial differences and to see even temporary cooperation for long-term fulfilment as a naturally preferable goal, which it objectively is (biologically, reflected historically via trial and error).
The “sacrifice or be sacrificed” alternative is a false dilemma, as more recent history and modern values have proven. Nobody has to fully sacrifice in a state/period of individual freedom, opportunity and peace. Rather, invest time+effort and trade knowledge with other people to create new meaning and grow value exponentially. Test out ideas that create inanimate things that im/explode, rather than ourselves in the flesh (whether it’s tranquilizer vs tiger, or a probe to mars).

Unfortunately, instead of the Tiger devouring you in pre-modernity, under POST-modernism, we’re back to the snake instinct + uncanny ape v ape – mis-using reason and progress (technology, information, etc) to exaggerate and reward the worst parts of human nature to facilitate mutually assured self-destruction. Willful Regression / AKA Devolution.

“Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism” ~Ayn Rand. (Apply to All Intersectionality)
Tribalism = socialism of the mind #shorts #individualism ( Nikos Sotirakopoulos
“Karl Marx was right, socialism works, it is just that he had the wrong species” ~E.O. Wilson, Journey to the Ants

We avoid that exactly by upholding the opposite of self-sacrifice. Self-interest, in opportune collaboration, because no human being is all-knowing or omnipotent. We’re not deities, nor machines, nor ants, nor mere apes. “We’re not gods or dogs… We’re humans…” ~Edward Elric, from Hiromo Arakawa’s Fullmetal Alchemist (+some positivism!)


Yes I am part of the religion of “wanting representation in video games church”?

You all have weird definitions of what constitutes a faith

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Ah. I see you watch Jordan Peterson and fancy yourself an intellectual.

This is really why we need more humanities education. I tried to espouse his talking points in a philosophy course and was thoroughly humbled. I think I should go thank that professor again from saving me from that put of ineptitude.

Masculinity is just being a man. It’s up to you to define what that means to you. Is someone going to descend from on high and punish you if you’re wrong?

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I’ve never watched Peterson because I am an atheist and a-political. You just exposed yourself as a tribalist :confused:

The humanities are exactly where this anti-human nonsense is spread.

I know because I work there.
It’s a cult religion gaslighting young people to hate themselves and police their own thoughts.

“There is a cult of ignorance… and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ~Isaac Asimov.


Lol, that is a human evolution. That is applicable to both genders. Not a masculine trait per se, but a human growth condition.


Please tell me how an act of bravery in the face of certain doom to protect ones family after a betrayal leading to an inescapable death scenario is ‘letting your kingdom fall’.

Only if your ambition is to interpret traditional characteristics, such as strength, courage, leadership, assertiveness, etc, differently as to how they were intended to mean regarding men.


So you’re part of the anti-intellectual wing of the ur-fascist movement that’s brewing. That doesn’t surprise me, understanding the humanities requires empathy, the theory of mind, and the capacity for genuine reflection.

All traits which you lack, seeing as how you’re in this thread.

I didn’t realize you had the super-human intuition to read minds.
Who exactly is the ‘Fascist’ here? :confused:

Read that again. Why do you insist on splitting people into groups?
You sound indoctrinated and hateful, projecting it by gaslighting and bullying others to draw sights away from your hat, which is on fire and which you refuse to remove for your own self-interest and emotional integity… speaking of reflection. You seem incapable of it yourself…


Moira would like to have a word

Why is that everyone who describes themselves as apolitical inevitably ends up ticking off several boxes of Umberto Eco’s list?

Just because you can’t define, or don’t want to define your position doesn’t make you apolitical. I can’t read minds. But I can recognize patterns. And once you know what to look for, it’s easy to spot and name.

My position is clearly defined.

Read my comments again.

I don’t like tribalism, collectivism, coercion of thought into boxes and groups, I don’t have faith that the world is a battleground of power-mongers…

That makes me a-political in the current sphere. I resent Pre- and Post-modernism all the same.

Also, why is it important to you which politics people hold?

Did you just copy me cuz you ran out of ad hominem daggers? Lol.

This thread is hillarious!

Look to what lengths you are going to to DEFEND looking at people in group terms.

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So what you’re saying is that you follow a secret third way?

Nothing secret. I have no gnosis (secret knowledge), unlike your covert claims to be a mind reader.
I just don’t deal with politics. I only care about philosophy when it impacts my life. In this case, being injected into escapism as a cult brainwashing program. So I take my moral stance to push back. Am I not to be allowed that?


So long as that GMPC Mary Sue Khadgar stays dead I’m happy.

Killing off Khaelthas and making Khadgar the face of every expansion was such a kick in the teeth to every elf player, especially blood elves who lost all relevance the moment Khaelthas was killed.

It makes no sense to hold up a HUMAN mage as the best of the best when a four thousand year old elf mage has 400 times the knowledge and power of Khadgar.

You’re quoting Ayn Rand, and quite possibly pulling some of your material from Evola. And you expect me to take a word you say seriously?