New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

In the game it hasn’t, the elves are a prime example of this not being the case.

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The elves had plenty of masculinity, night elves atleast. It was balanced well.


Diversity : nope, the villain and heroes are not diverse enough due to the fact that it was dominated by male majority of the time and only recently female but that is 1% out of 99%.

Equity : not good enough in terms of equalizing both gender roles in both heroes and villains

Inclusion: it’s slowly improving but not good enough because this game had so many male dominated roles in both heroes and villains.

What defines masculinity to you?

I wonder what the political party registration of blizzard is now vs when they made warcraft 3/wow.

I bet if you looked at the percentage of the company who voted for 45 it would explain a lot about the real issue.


Diversity = skin deep, but everyone must agree with the doctrine of Postmodernistic meta-Marxism.
Equity = Means equality of outcome, so anti-merit (out of resenting work, dignity and earned success)
(representation = unrealistic, compensating for “past oppression” instead of looking at people as equals)
Inclusion = Only of fellow cultists, while silencing, bullying and threatening those who disagree (as happened in this thread as evidence). *Though with Intersectionality, you’d be surprised how much internal backstabbing and tribalism is done in the hijacked academic and corporate spheres. The so called “Oppression Olympics”.

This is absolutely true and applied to EVERY franchise… Because Escapist Entertainment orientates an individual to reality, which cannot be allowed.

TL;DR of my analysis way, way above… Plenty of academic research linked as well by others.

Postmodernism is 100% a religion, and Marxism is a cult theosophy / gnosis (secret knowledge) / hermeticism (narrative that society must be changed to give birth to “New Man”, a “Social Being” as Marx starts his manifesto)
“Woke-ism” is (Anti-Modern/)Western Neo-Maoism - an anti-real, anti-human cult religion driven by exploitative narcissism, nihilism, and infantility.

People with modern values, who are not indoctrinated or brainwashed to see the world as a mystical battleground, see people as individuals rather than group representatives, and don’t care what superficial category a person is. Instead, we care about the “quality of their character”… And in Escapism all the same – a well written character is a universal (objective reality-) based, but an individually applicable reflection and projection of human or anti-human values (hero or villain broadly - promoting life or death. Obviously, evolutionarily, one is better than the other).

An anti-human ideology (that explicitly advocates seeing the world as inverted / Demiurgal and to subvert to destroy everything that exists to usher in the utopia from the ashes), that sees people as cogs in a machine whose “diversity” must only be skin deep… disallows individual interpretation. Under such totalitarian, regressive doctrine built on tribalism and collectivism… nobody is allowed to express identification with or against the character, but rather find themselves in a conflict-theory-induced ‘double-bind’, where aversion towards the character’s Marxian Revolutionary (superficial and collectivizing) presentation automatically puts them in the “oppressor” dissident camp of an old “folk” blocking the utopia, which marks them for gaslighting until they surrender to the thought police (in here, by the defenders of this set of ideas who literally deify its, ironically, misanthropic philosophers).

Any narrative that can be traced back to Neoplatonism, relativism, subjectivism… is wrong and evil.
Even if you don’t care to research about the propagators of, or the philosophy, morality or the history of such ideas…

I encourage all reading this to contemplate exactly, via empyrical, numerical data – what happens to studios and franchises, and intellectual properties (which, under the Cult of Lazy, is now a taboo) hijacked by this mind parasite.
Here, and now, I believe the audience has spoken. People who are rational and choose to think, can eventually break the wizard’s circle and see right through the gaslighting. Truth and reality always outlive subjective delusion.


We need more characters like Mufasa, and not more anduins let me put it that way.


Guess what California is where blizzard is located at and Irvine is a blue county voted for democrats most of the time.


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and that mean what exactly?

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I find it hard to take all the moral preachers seriously about decisions in a fictional world when the entire game is based on strict racial segregation, and there will still be plenty of people who would vehemently defend that you’re still assigned to a side solely based on race. It makes all these wannabe lessons that try to present WoW as a role model seem pretty ridiculous. :joy:

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Stop poking for a “Gotcha”, you are not dense enough to not know what they mean.


A leader not a follower.

The story of orcs and humans has always been problematic to leftists because of its racial undertones and true meaning.


Yeah, and half a million people are fleeing California every year to escape to red states. Fun fact, really makes you think.


Masculinity is about self sacrifice and serving a higher purpose. Anduin abandoning his kingdom and throne because of his feelings is perhaps the least masculine thing he could ever do. He became the bich king.


Everything is political even games and guess what games have always been political one way or another. And also games are a platform and so it’s one way to send a message.

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It’s not just undertones. Blizzard pretty blatantly presents glorified racism with their system for the two factions. And they’re still doing it after 20 years. Yet, you hardly see anyone here criticizing it. So, while racism is apparently completely fine, and we should continue to be divided by race, people want to give big speeches about diversity and so on. Couldn’t be more hypocritical. :sweat_smile:

Sure, but hopefully, you also see the irony in the topic that’s been circulating in the forums for the past few days, on both sides.

And yet those same red states are getting poorer and having worse health outcomes and also higher rates of violent crimes versus that of blue states and also during COVID pandemic had more death due to the fact they didn’t closed down.

They are also dependent on blue states and so what does that say.

My gawd, how dare they use major characters being female!

This has to stop, WoW is a patriarchy, right? :thinking:

TBC - Illidan, Kiljaeden, Archimonde, Kael’thas
Wrath: Arthas…eh, can’t bothered going through all the other expansions which featured few female protagonists and many male ones.

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