New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Blame women for not playing video games as much as men. It’s the way business works.

Same goes for female sports. Complain that they don’t get paid as much, yet the vast majority of women don’t watch it :joy:


But why? Why do they need to be one or the other? Why do you have an issue with them being female?

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But why not? Do you have a problem with them all being male?


So you are a troll, and like all trolls you belong in dustbin of time where I do not have to deal with you. Goodbye.

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Wow, pretty rude of you. Did I hurt the poor little liberal’s feelings? Another perfect example of the tolerant left throwing a tantrum when called out for pushing an obvious agenda.


Funny to see this NPC response when presented with the flipped script scenario, lol.


Lol, get real. What do you think an agenda means? There is absolutely a Para religious movement on the left and I bet if anyone at blizzard speaks up against the narrative direction or argues against dei they risk their jobs. These people work their way into organizations and eventually take over HR and other positions of power. All that ESG money helped move it along too.

These people are religious zealots who will go after anyone they think is a heretic for daring to suggest these ideas don’t fit or are bad.


I know this is going to strike you as funny, because you are clearly not capable of understanding, but when you ask a question the appropriate thing to do is answer the question. I already stated that it doesn’t matter if they are male or female. So asking the question again was trolling. The question is why do them being all female present a problem? It is a pretty simple question. You can answer it honestly.

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It’s because it’s a crude mockery of the truth.

This game is called warcraft, and war has always been a male domain.

Harrowhall or whatever it’s called straight up looks like someone went with a checklist over the npcs and made them exactly 30% black, 50% women, and 30% fat. Narrative or storytelling be damned.


It does strike me as funny because you seem incapable to understand that a common retort in debates is to counter the original question with another question.

We know why you asked that very specific question, as to gain some kind of moral superiority over arguing against the problem with the backdrop of the current modern climate.

The kicker is, I also know that you won’t answer why having them all be male would be a problem, because it would induce a tad bit of hypocrisy from your end.

Yes, I find it funny.


Frankly I resent what are essentially religious world views being put into the game by zealots. These people hijacked the company and ruined what was once a great franchise. Now it’s all run by committees of fat ugly women.


Except I answered it – twice. There would be no problem if they were all males. None. But that isn’t the case. Equally so there is no problem with them being all female. So I am asking what your actual problem with them being female is. You are doing everything you can to avoid actually answering the question.

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10/10 nailed it.


Not at all, my answer is very similar to Cornbreads:

Especially off the back of the lawsuits, and with the backdrop of current trends and certain checkboxes to tick to “comply”.

Its disingenuous, and it isn’t warcraft as it was.

Its also the opposite of diversity, which most of these believers preach so much about.


Imagine hating woman leads

When this game desperately need a strong female lead and a strong female villain

According to who or what?


Until they can write a character as compelling as arwynn from lotr they should not even bother.

For the hacks at blizzard a strong female lead is a female character model written to talk like a man. It’s insufferable.


Xal’atath is already better than any other villain in this games history.

I think Arthas still takes that trophy.

Even if the current Blizzard turned him to dust.


How can having an all-female cast be considered “diverse”? Doesn’t sound very progressive of you, especially in this day and age. I mean, it’s CURRENT YEAR for crying out loud.

100% correct. The cult of DEI is toxic, corrosive and antithetical to morality, truth and merit. The cult WILL be smashed, mark my words. It will either be destroyed or eventually destroy itself like all other leftist movements before it.