You have Anduin, Merrix, Daegran, Executor Nizrek, Anub’azal, Monte Gazlowe, Great Kyron, and many others.
This is yet another thinly veiled thread about men being anxious in the real world because for the first time in history, the entirety of society and media doesn’t revolve around catering exclusively to them. The change has been in the making since the 20th century, but it’s picking up steam and the reactionary backlash is to be expected.
“CDC states that 48,830 gun deaths”
That includes self defense, accidents, suicides and police/law enforcement numbers. Its intentionally misleading to push an agenda.
I could name the activist group behind this but my post would get flagged and removed like last time even though I only quoted one of their Sr officials.
Did the evil Sweet Baby Rays conspire to emasculate you by proxy through a video game? What do you think they plan to do with the testosterone they leeched from your keycaps?
Anduin can still have some progression, true.
Merrix did nothing really, its the female robot who brings them all together
Dagran is just a young boy who knows to much about everything instantly and running behind female robot
Executor Nizrek / Anubazal yeah we got two spiders who tell us what to do in the corner, without doing anything really
Monte Gazlow greedy idiot
Great Kyron, the name “great” already makes him not great
Should i open the list of hundreds of other quests where males are just idiots and bad/villians?
There is no agenda being pushed. It’s a broad social movement beyond any one person or organization’s control. Women have more rights, women have more money and resources, ergo companies and artists will create stuff to us more.
Magni is retired, with beeing out of flesh again he is basicly done as a maincharacter.
Thrall did also nothing really except for empowering the female dwarf, he will also be retired soon.
What? Arthas has lore around him many years even before wow. Everyone can and should be a villian, that’s not the case. It’s always a matter of how you write it.
The current way of writing is: “To make the female look stronger, the male must be a complete idiot/weak/moron!”
I don’t understand the issue. You dudes realize we women weren’t even playable characters in like 99% of video games for like 10 years right? Entire games are STILL being released where you can only be a male character. How would that make YOU feel?
Except this isnt the real world, this is a fantasy game.
Sure a good hero progression needs downs, but there have to be heroic moments.
Anduin for example was heroic one time in the BfA Cinematic, so many years ago, from that on he was just sad and tired and this is one of the main characters we follow for years and wait and wait that something cool is coming out of him.
Untrue, but you are just capable of one liners without a real discussion to reply to valid arguments and instead you wrap around single words and say “yeah but what about… !”
I don’t think this is anything necessarily intentional. It just sort of happened. The Spider faction isn’t even “led” by a female. Its lead by 2 males and a female. Earthen don’t really have a gender anyways. It’s just how they look. They don’t reproduce like humans do. Anduin, Thrall, Dagran, and Magni all play big parts in this early expansion story, too.