New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Holy cow, the servers go haywire and the forums are ripe with racist/misogynists that have nothing better to do with their time. I really have to stop coming here.


To be fair this absolute trainwreck has been going for almost a whole week now.

It’s actually a little surprising it’s not been 404’d. These things usually end up going that way.


I seriously think at this point that Blizz has kept it open for entertainment purposes. Their reps are probably huddling around their office computers with popcorn to watch this absolute clown show.


Actually it’s my 3rd language. Hope that helps you to sleep at night and help you to manage your anger.

I know that’s why I’m in here.


Oh please.

The quests remind me of the typical family sitcom with the stupid men and the smart housewife/ sisters. Trope old as time. Target audience got switched hard.


What a retort!

Bigger fire than that needed. I love watching them squirm

Today i did another part of the main campaign.

Sent by Aleria, accompanied by Lilian Voss to investigate the city…there we met with strong independent robo lady on a mission to set free some f-up version of queen Neferess, gets “suprised” by xalatath and now we have to runwith Voss from this mind controled robo lady, defeat her…report to the spider boss lady and finaly report to alleria.

So sent by girl, to go with girl, meet with girl, try to set free a girl, get suprised by a girl, run from a girl, defeat a girl, report to a girl about our girl journey.
Bro my female character was just cherry on top. :rofl: there wasnt a single male character the entire questline.
I felt like im on the amazonian island running the olympics from Wonder woman 2. Only thing missing was Gal Gadot jumping out to save the day and ofc became a leader of something at the end.


I know this wouldn’t have happened if Garrosh Hellscream was still leading the horde… We’d mostly be orcish warriors eating roasted quail and drinking mead in our barracks together.


whose angry?

Definitely noticed it myself so far as well. Baelgrim was kinda growing on me and then… noped out like a complete moron to make way for… strong female character.

Seems very, very on the nose so far tbh


Everything wrong with the narrative team was seen in the new starting zone they created years ago.

And sadly Chris Metzen admitted he isn’t going to put a stop to it like he would have when he was younger.


I was so angry for that, Baelgrim even had some good character progression just to kill him of few quests later….

Right now I can’t even think about a single quest with a competent cool strong male. Not a single one! In the whole Addon, what are they thinking?!

I mean wow is played by many different players, but it is safe to say males are still the majority of the game. And the subtext when they play the game is „haha you are an idiot or bad or both, just do what the fem is saying!“. A great way to bring your core audience to play something else.


Why is this incel thread still goooooing

I just ignore your incel nonsense.

Because it’s a real problem that every Quest has a very much one sided perspective. Most of us here don’t have a single problem with strong woman, we love Tyrande, Sylvanas, we loved Yrel and so on.

But we want some variety and in a modern world you can even say we want representation!


I agree, ignore primitive people with no intellectual capacity to post arguments. Only juvenile insults. As far as storyline , its really bad, writers have been out of touch for years.


inclusion is a disease and you woke sob are spreading it like a tumor


Yeah, it’s been like this for a long time now. There’s a war against men in media specifically.