New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Not reading 2925 replies, shocker, but I’ll take your word

honestly, im enjoying it. We can have a moment to shine without it being offensive to you. After all, women have been letting guys shine in the spotlight for pretty much most of human history.

equality, yes. but are we not at least entitled to have what you had for so long, at least once?

you guys are gonna get through this, I believe in you. :heart:

Yall havn’t been “letting” anyone do anything. No you have no right to complain about all male leads and then says its ok for all female leads and nobody can complain. Its stupid and forced. It wouldn’t be so bad if literally all the male characters werent pathetic and weak or how about adding some female fodder characters that needs some diversity. Dont forget its mostly men who make these things to begin with.


Nothing is wrong with it, when its not being forced, or part of an agenda or some dei crap.

But thats hard to find now days.

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I’m sorry, i’ll have a hard time taking you seriously when you’re argument against mine is so hypocritical and revealingly sexist.

:arrow_up: this should not matter at all, but the fact that you felt the need to point it out is telling of your character. I’m sorry but, but in my own experience, men are really great at pointing out other peoples shortcomings while totally passing over their own. It’s easier.

and here’s another one. really feeling the need to assert dominance huh?

the expansion is what it is. listening to you lot throw a tantrum about it is just desert.

A man that confronts his demons and figures them out is strong. Your definition of strength is toxic and antiquated. Men who keep their feelings bottled up and just “carry on” are why things like mass shootings and domestic violence are at an all-time high in this country. Or why so many men have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships with their partners and end up chronically single.

Give me an Anduin over some ticking time bomb man-child any day.



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I don’t know. I’m a woman, and I don’t particularly like the fact that the male NPCs have to be portrayed as idiots or get killed off just so the female NPCs can stand out more.

Faerin, in particular, is a prime example of how all sorts of stereotypes are crammed into one character. Why does a woman have to be portrayed so masculine just to be seen as a leader? The body, the hair, the missing arm that she doesn’t want to replace because, of course, a strong independent woman doesn’t need that, and as the cherry on top, they just had to give her the name Lothar, because apparently, they didn’t have enough confidence in the character to stand on her own without being attached to a nostalgia-filled name.


Anduin isn’t confronting anything.

It isn’t.

This is a fantasy mmo video game, not the SIMS.

Also, your logic is actually working against you. If our definition of strength is “toxic and antiquated” then why are there more mass shootings now then ever with more access to health care and mental health than ever before?


Imagine being stuck in a cave with all females talking non-stop.


I honestly think you’re completely misunderstanding why people are taking issue with this. I don’t think most people care about the sex/gender of the characters, as female characters have been highly popular in this game for decades (Jaina, Sylvanas, Queen Azshara, Tyrande, etc.). They care that recently most of the female characters are being written with the traditional traits that men would have (brave, strong, aggressive, etc.) AND that most of the men are useless, incompetents, or even if likeable and powerful, killed or retired (Maraad, Vol’jin, Varian, Khadgar, Greymane, Garrosh, Saurfang, etc.).

I’m all for having a variety of characters with different backgrounds, looks, beliefs and all the above. This isn’t that at all. Also, I think it’s fair and healthy for people to have discourse over this and hope I’ve offered some perspective.


You’re probably right, I don’t think I do understand the issue. I’m fully aware I’m more detached from any concerns because I don’t really invest much thought into the story lines.

Lets turn Wrathion into a Woman
Why not?

welcome to the world of DEI hires.


Ya I don’t get the criticism here, this is how you do it right, the story is great. This isn’t like The Acolyte where they cared more about pandering than writing or acting.

It doesn’t really matter unless you try to force it to matter, OP.

What country/world do you live in? Healthcare costs are outrageous and mental health programs are often not covered by insurance. I would argue that access to those things is more difficult than ever, especially for certain demographics and income levels.

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A working game would be nice before the next xpack ./… mircosoft step up

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No one would complain if it was all male leads.

remember: its not DEI to have strong, well written male characters, todays corporative standards require men to be erased as much as possible.