New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Bros arguing with George Orwell rn :skull:

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No. Only with your radical, motivated misconstruding of his messages. Misinformation.
I’m arguing it for others to see and beware. But I think I’ve done enough of that by now.

Simply observe how your anger against my claim that gender doesn’t matter, and that characters should be judged by their human qualities – turned into a plainly–Marxist indoctrination camp, and your fuming at my daring to resist and hold ideas that don’t align with that orthodoxy.

You just couldn’t help yourself but trying to recruit or at least demoralize as many people as possible, did you?
Induce a gnostic (secret cult knowledge)-based guilt in them.
Is it ACTUALLY programmed into your brain? Or just brainwashed? Genuinely asking. I wouldn’t know :confused:


Wait until you find out that Orwell fought along side the POUM.

I don’t care that the man surrendered to irrationality later in his life…

I care about a work of art, and what it conveys.

Which you do not, in the case of WoW as well.

You and those who have parroted the same revenge-oppression cycle narrative only care about spreading the mind parasite farther. This throughline already destroyed dozens of beloved intellectual properties… which you of course convince yourself is not even a concept in reality (Even though it is a scientific, evolutionary necessity)?

Did you skip over the parts where the individual, different, and creative human protagonist characters try to find self fulfilment, love, and escape from the heel of Big Brother’s collectivizing and free-will-dimming wrath?

Or, did you just find joy at the parts where they fell into the tribalism and lost self-interest and a long-term vision… And cheer at the success of the collectivist dictatorship?

Did you read the ending? :confused: It’s quite horrific and leaves the warning glaring as brightly as the Beleder.


He fought alongside POUM in 1936.
1984 was written in 1949.

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Unfortunately, you read him with a pure confirmation bias, a mystifying, totalizing one at that :confused:
No wonder you keep repeating the same lines instead of analyzing the arguments…
Marxism is a cult religion. THAT should be repeated in one’s sleep to detect and beware.

I can’t offer anything about that, because I don’t care about trying to control other people’s thinking.

I tried to offer some rationality in this thread, but I’ve been wasting my time fighting NPCs.

Enjoy TWW!

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Yeah with beards too :wink:, War Within indeed :upside_down_face: :rofl: :v:t6:

Oh you didn’t? Because according to him you took every word he said out of context.

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So with near 3K posts, the summary of is that we are all in agreement that Blizzard deliberately replaced male power with female power. Which was the point of it all. I think after all the cases, we do have evidence and proof that was their intention.

Bad writers! Case closed!


It’s only equality if the people who scream the loudest get what they want.

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To be fair, the story wouldn’t be better just because you replace female npcs with male ones. The writers would still be the same in both cases.


I haven’t seen posts this cringe in a while. It’s like seeing a wooly mammoth going full Karen.

I made that case before. I know it’s all bad writing. The female overbearing representation happens to be the symptom of it.


So just for reference, currently wow have 14 female leaders and 13 males on both factions, not counting the earthen yet, which i think its also female.

The ratio was heavily skewed into one side every since Legion, when nonsense leadership changes happened (like Gen giving up his position to his daughter) and new races already introduced with that focus in mind(killing the dads to give the position to the daughter, like Rasthakan and Talanji).

Plus, the fact that Blizzard is either killing any male character, turning then into villains or incompetent, erasing then from the plot or giving then crippling depression - which are, btw, deliberate changes that have one goal in mind and its not the story being good - general people will start noticing because is that overt.

This is of course a current media problem, and you can see in movies and series, a while back ago Keving Feige said the same thing, about how he was going to push that female super heroes to be more numerous than the male ones(how well that turns out out heh?), it is, or should i say it was, the motto from a few years ago, and since movies and games take a while to make/finish, we will see the ripples and effects until much latter, since only now they saw a problem to course correct.

So, this expansion is already doomed to fail in lore, Metzen was brought back to course correct, but i doubt we will se any changes until the last titan, which he will prob bring Illidan back to put him shirtless on the main spotlight

Cause midnight will be another elven snoozefest like dragonflight was and if its elf, you bet ya money its going to be more of the insufferable windrunners and other elven ladies with the males, even the elf ones, being lame, i even bet they kill off lorthemar and make Liadrin the queen or something


That was before the Cosby suite story broke.

idk the handicap chick is kinda a dumb lead character to me personally but the rest seems to fit ok

If they want to go with all female lead, thats fine. But the writing isn’t good. You guys need to see Sylvannas, Jaina, Tyrande, etc writing from the older games. Good stuff which made you love those characters. Now, female characters seem so forced in everything, all male characters are wimps, or just absent. Makes it so ehh.


I didn’t notice, but it’s more because I just don’t play for the lore… sometimes this kind of thing bothers me when it’s overtly checking boxes, but it’s a video game and they can create whatever they want. It’s not like they’re changing genders of existing characters like… ahem… Silver Surfer.

Man, Woman, Dog honestly don’t care as long as the story is bangin’


every male character in this expansion is either a dumb incompetent or a plain evil and corrupted villain