New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Best way to end racism is to not talk about it.

  • Morgan Freeman

Make Thrall great again!
For the Horde!

Partly right. I think it’s more important to simply acknowledge where it comes from and how it became used as a tool for managing the population.

Once you know that and can see it for what it is, it tends to fade out and loses it’s perceived power.

Gotta love Morgan Freeman, he speaks calmly and he respects the listeners while giving his opinion.

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some mod just removed my post where i was complaining about the writing of the new xpac, guess we can’t freely comment on those things anymore without getting censored lol

Mines did, too. However, it’s not really the mods doing it. When users mass flag a post, it gets flagged, then the mods see it. So we got a bit of whiners here who are like rapid reddit users. But just tread along and ignore their childishness.

It doesn’t represent the vast majority of the player base and therefore the market. Obviously.


Race is biological (genetic). Ask any medical doctor.


And all the players were male too so obviously most males prefer male leads.

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that is one of the more moronic takes I’ve seen.

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Incredibly simple logic. Sorry you struggle to think. Get help.


You didn’t read my other post regarding how race came about.

repeating your opinion doesnt make it right

I see this a lot and yet I really doubt it.


I guess I just can’t help myself… :confused:
So I’ll try to clarify a few things as plainly as I am able right now for people who actually care about considering ideas.

I’m not impressed by anyone’s use of the word “Capitalism” here. Again, a doublespeak term created by a founder of a cult system of ideas that coats the lazy and arrogant (technically infantile - not operating in reality) in shields of false victim’s virtue, and academic splendour.

So called “Capitalism”; Meaning, private property, trade – a reciprocal exchange of values, are an Evolutionary construct in nature. These are all scientifically (and colloquially) observable even in less developed forms in other animals too.

As for inequality, it can even be argued to be a Physical property of the universe (the Pareto distribution certainly is, if to name a less “equal” phenomenon Marxists also wish to utopianize us out of). It’s not right or wrong as such, as it is out of our control since consciousness does not shape reality.

So, we are not deities, HOWEVER…

We are certainly the most developed “animal” on our planet. We are unique, in the sense that we can think abstractly and retroactively, break decisions down and reflect, and radically and exponentially improve our quality of life via focusing our mind (individual creativity and free will) to solve problems, learn (ingenuity) and apply ourselves to better survive and thrive (progress).

The Enlightenment thinkers succeeded in capturing the core ideas and systems behind man’s obvious nature as an individual seeking fulfilment on Earth for the first time in human history, since Aristotle.

The only actual wholesome philosophy alive today that preserves the ideas of Rationality, Enlightenment individualism, freedoms and rights… Equal opportunities… Is Ayn Rand’s Objectivism, whether you like it or not.

However much fear you feel about hearing about the latter ASIDE…

What you need to think about and look into (and therefore accept, because it is objectively true in reality) – is that 99% of philosophy is Mystical and Animalistic -
Orphist, Sophist, Platonist… which yes, old faiths fall into a lot, but the new e.g. Socialism - worship of a “collective”, Fascism - “dictator”, Statism “the state”… Also posthumanism -“machine”… even more so – all imagine or create an all-dominating force that creates delimitations and conflicts between human beings and reality, whether its deities with names or “history as a cycle of oppression”… all such narratives obviously reflecting the hedonic and misanthropic will of the dictatorial personality who came up with these ideas. What ALL of these ideas share is the basis in destructive emotions promoted unchecked… Instinctual behaviour resulting from a fear of loss, shame and oblivion (Death/Hell).

When using the terms “Capitalism” and “Communism”, one almost always automatically subscribes to an ideobabble (cult-speak), a dialectic (special language where words have double meanings - motte and bailey evasions) of a gnostic (secret knowledge) cult faith, which desires to change reality and usher in a “heaven” on Earth, a utopia based ONLY on the arbitrary, subjective and domineering whims of… individuals, who are flawed of course… especially the ones with a power mongering disposition and who can’t control themselves to think long-term and weigh the benefits against the long-term losses from trying to bend reality, and other people, to their will.

Socialism and Communism as such are a mystifying misconstruing of human nature. Man is a “Species Being”, said Marx, but it so happens that humans are the exact opposite of Ants. We are NOT a hive mind. Any and ALL human development is exactly the result of the above Enlightenment values, also called modernity. What Marxism preaches is Post-modernism, a mystical theory about a utopian work-less future born magically out of ruin. A pure projection of laziness and envy. Therefore Infantile - imaginary revenge against reality as in the mind of a child throwing a tantrum.

The Marxian notion that Capitalism leads to exploitation simply has NO basis in objective (meaning, outside of consciousness) reality (which is observable by any human being with a decently functioning cognitive apparatus).

The Cronyism and exploitation described by it is exactly the result of the INTERFERENCE with human individual differences and desire for ingenuity, success and recognition.

“Capitalism” ACTUALLY has NEVER been tried (unlike “Real” Socialism/Communism).

The moment a Goverment takes its Hands OFF (laissez faire), even a LITTLE, a FREE Market emerges, where people trade and cooperate to develop meaning and improve human life. Freedom and progress cannot come from tight control. They ONLY can be generated in the mind of individuals free to think and utilize resources via advertising their ideas and to test them out.

The TINIEST bit of Capitalism raises a country to a difference in technology, span and quality of life as if they’ve gone through all positive developments in history. Look at South as opposed to North Korea - images from Space, just as an example. Where would you rather live? WHY do people migrate to freer countries…? Where Equal Opportunities and Individual rights, and Free Market elements - even though they’re all mixed economics… (so modern, Enlightenment values, ideas and systems of governance - individual cooperation as opposed to collective tribalism with a dictator)… This is where human life flourishes.

I encourage you all to look at history HONESTLY. Inquire exactly where ideas come from, WHO wrote them, WHY, and then check WHAT they have achieved in reality.
Communism achieves nothing more but pure dystopian regression, living in censorship and fear, war, starvation and death. Capitalism is the single greatest system in human history. They are PHILOSOPHIES first, sets of ideas about the human being in the world. It just so happens that Capitalism is commensurate with reality, whereas Communism hates it and wishes only to destroy out of a desire for vengeance and power.

What does this have to do with gender?

WELL, the very idea that people are divided by groups striving for power (Marxist theology axiom) is EXACTLY the SAME idea in economics as well as in ANY other realm of ideas (Developed in Academia from Criticial and Conflict Theories into all spheres of Marxified humanities and social sciences – known as Intersectionality). Under modern, Enlightenment values – again, it does not matter what your gender is. What matters is your values, your willingness to produce your own meaning and fulfil yourself in life on Earth, in reality.
In history, but also how people who subscribe to these ideas conduct themselves.

Are they HAPPY? Productive? Or, are they busy crying about the successful and throwing a tantrum, burning the world to satisfy their vengeance?

I, for one, who (subscribe to Objectivism now as a wholesome philosophy, ALBEIT not fully! I just don’t want any Platonist philosophy in my life), have ALWAYS looked at the rich and successful with utter awe. An influential academic in the sciences, an engineer, an entrepreneur… These are people to be inspired by, to strive to emulate…

I’d argue the same for WoW. This is why I started PvP’ing - I saw a Gladiator in Stormwind when I was 10 years old and decided I want to be as close as I can be to that as I possibly can!!! I then learnt to enjoy PvP lol
I actually always argue that WoW is far more meritocratic and pro-human than any place IRL. Of course, the community can sometimes ruin that with their short-term, anonymity-backed instinctive tribalism and so forth… But the point remains.

It’s all a matter of disposition – but that’s a DECISION. You have free will to determine where you focus your mind. Will it be on other people’s successes? Or making your own?

People educated under modern values do not care what gender, race, etc. a character is. EVER. The ONLY people who do, HAD to be indoctrinated to see the world as a battleground for power. THAT is unnatural, because it is a cult faith system seeking to destroy instead of build on equality by definition. It only seeks a cycle of revenge (an Orobourous). A mature brain, a person honest to themselves, would pause to think and understand, and see that is not productive long-term, and only leads to destruction. I highly encourage all who here parroted about these terms, systems and issues to research human history for themselves, from a variety of sources. An introductory course in a college is not enough. Again, I say this out of academia. The vast majority of these are ideologically motivated and misconstrue reality, history, human nature and evolutionary psychology (whether in economics or elsewhere). There are things that work, and things that don’t. Try building a tower without knowledge about physics, chemistry, etc… See how that goes. That is what Socialism and its philosophy (Subjectivism, Relativism, Altruism) do. Delude and Destroy. Divide and Conquer. Smash and burn. Only to sit on the ashes for a little while…


Someone at blizzard needs meet a real man and not with blue hair or goes by them or they and put some testosterone in this game it’s turning into sad girly cosmo of leads. And it’s effecting all male characters in the game. By all that’s holy give them there balls back.


Oh no, now there’s like 15:1 male:female faction leaders in the game, it’s the end of the world


Actually I really meant it, haven’t finish the story and Faerin Lothar is growing on me as the story goes.

If the story is good I will be ok… can’t talk about others though. I think everyone has something different they like to see in their stories. I like plots that keep me immerse in what’s going on…

For one of my friends specifically this is a issue having to many female leads, his burn out from it, he saids… and there is my other friends that want big sweety, bare chested manly, strong leading males just to simp for them like Garrosh or even the Jailer Zoval…
LMAO then again they belong to the crowd of FF14 where they can simp for handsome but phycotic Xenos to hideos 2 headed giant lizard called Bakool Ja Ja all the same. What they call a good story has to do a lot with how many well written possible waifu and hasubando they get from the main plot of the games. :joy:

Yeah, honestly, if people want what they seem to, they should just go play First Descendant and enjoy their cake. No shame.

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Did you sharpen the stick, because I didn’t feel a thing. Wait . . . nope, that’s just a splinter of a finger bone caught between my teeth. Chicken bone, I meant chicken bone. Really, ya know how chick . . . LOOK! It’s Elvis!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine: