New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Why are we arguing about “race” when we can look it up for ourselves? People stop being stubborn and look it up for yourself.

If my grand uncle with red hair and pale blue eyes can be black there is nothing stopping you.

Bring back strong and competent men


Agreed, but IRL. Give me more strong and competent men who aren’t threatened by seeing too many women in a video game and whine on internet forums about it.


Strong and competent I’m not, but your video game wiminz do not threaten me

i laugh at ur wiminz deep hearty laughs


Human Ethnicity is very different from Dog Breeds

Pete’s Sake dude

And this game is a world that took any non-western culture and made them represented by non human races like anthropomorphic animals and really bad stereotypes.

WoW is the last place to really care if a character is black or not. This is not Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings, with nuanced ethnicity and society cultures.

This is “blatant caricature the Game”

(Edit: like the Horde’s whole schtick is the “Noble Savage”… bruh )


Didnt even notice until I saw this thread. And before and after, I really don’t care.

You are never going to evolve if you keep this behavior up Zubat

Stop listening to Team Rocket and come back to your senses!

Iirc, “race” as in Asian, Caucasian and Negro was created to describe the skeletal structure as well as musculature of the human body.

Couple hundred years ago or so as people were learning medical science to be able to study and develop surgeries, remedies for all kinds of afflictions, etc… they needed to catagorize the different structures in the human bodies they came across.
That is when “race” came about as a descriptor to apply to the 3 main different structures they found in the one human species.

I hope that made sense. It’s been a long night and an even longer day and it’s just started.

  • Almost forgot to add: They catagorized the 3 different structures based on length, weight and density of bone.
    Asian, the most common at that time was the lightest, Caucasian was medium and encompasses a wide variety of people from around the world and negro, the densest, having the longest bones (generally speaking, there’s always exceptions). It really didn’t have much to do with skin colour. It had more to do with the regions the catagories came from.

Shortly after “race” was created to describe the scientific differences within the human species, it became publicized then politicized.

Over the couple hundred years since it’s inception, “race” has become a way that people use to identify themselves and find their place within society but it was never meant for that.

It was simply a way to catagorize what doctors found back then so they could proceed accordingly for everyone, medically.
That was the intent.

In the end, we are one species as we were meant to be.
But there’s always that proverbial turd floating in the punchbowl that will find a way to separate, divide and conquer and that’s really what they use “race” for.

It’s way past time for people to move past this.

Ty for coming to my Ted Talk. I’ll stop now. Be well.

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Its so crazy that people are still coming in here trying to refute a simple statement that they can just search and not even have to click a link because your web browser will fill in the answer for you.

Agreed however, while it’s not the economic system that actually kills anyone and while some systems can benefit the majority, it’s basic human nature and the fact that our species is susceptible to corruption that it happens.

Capitalism by itself can be a benefit, especially if it’s blended with social programs.

But like all good things, they never seem to last and eventually you get certain types in positions of power that figure a way to wangle the system and the next thing you know, you have money laundering, fraud, scams all kinds of things going on and people will blame the system being used instead of the parasites that are abusing the system, thereby abusing the people that contribute to the system.

Divide and conquer is a very effective tool to get away with all kinds of nonsense.

I’ve always thought the people that abuse systems have a hoarding problem.
They’re the ones who cry about being poor while they have millions to billions hidden in accounts all over the place, not to mention their hefty pension packages they get from the various political offices they’ve held throughout their lifetimes.

If you can become a master at sales techniques, you can rule the world for a time.

You are correct, race is a social construct but it didn’t start out that way.

lmao what

Did you sleep through the part in history where they taught about the gilded era or the mining strikes or the pinkertons?

Can’t blame the system for the corruption of those with a little power & money who want more, more always more.

That and also the fact that the millitary and war is predominantly a “man” thing. So when all of the forces and generals are girls…its feel just absurd and forced AF.


I’m getting old. 30 years ago nearly all managers were male. We then went through a phase where there were token females moved into management, and sorry to say, some of these didn’t get there based on bonafides. Things have changed… Curenlty females make up over 50% of management in my office and this is a good thing. As a nerdy, shy white male, i didn’t have much chance for mobility against all the alpha males. These female supervisors appreciate that i get the job done without drama and i have been promoted 5 times in total. 3 out of my 5 promotions were from female supervisors. I have personally benefitted from a more diverse workforce.

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Now granted, this is still a fantasy game. I can accept some women here and there cause magic and fantasy races can make norms different. A female orc looks fine on the battlefield compared to a human one. A gnome makes sense being more magically or engineerily inclined due to their lesser sizes but greater brain capabilities. A human man, no matter how strong they are, I know irl that he wouldn’t be able to wrestle with a Tauren female. We already have enough trouble with full sized cows and bulls.

But no matter what, both man and woman can agree that it feels weird to have all these females in power positions. Not because of just real life, but because you kind of don’t think of women when you think of someone committing genocide or making the tough decisions. Women tend to be far more caring of such things, so they are better in more supportive roles.

We can have this conversation and know that we aren’t insulting either gender but it sometimes goes to the extreme with these discussions.


This is aimed at the thread as a whole, not any one individual: