New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

This is an insane take


You’re funny. They set up a puppet state in Iraq so they could give the West more oil. The poverty you’re “lifted from” in the first world comes at the expense of the third world.

Which one are the US and its Middle Eastern ally waging war on behalf of now?

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This literally never crossed my mind when playing through the campaign. I enjoyed the characters without once having the thought, “oh, they are all females…”. You find what you look for I suppose.

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Dex, I know you’re a big proponent of “Titans of Industry” and all, but even the staunchest capitalist icons have no shame in admitting that people have to die to make number go up.


You can’t possibly believe this lol, no matter what “side” you are on.

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Ok, suggesting capitalism has never killed a single person is an even wilder take than calling everyone hitler/marx.

I’m gonna assume the mental gymnastics is that it’s actually the government’s fault that people died, but this same courtesy won’t apply to communism.


Your support of terr0rism and barbarism is now explicitly approved, and quoted for all to see.

I’m out of this toxic platform, permanently.
Going to do something productive with my life as an individual, while you will continue to sheep for ideas of literal mass-k1llers. I genuinely feel sorry for you lot. Deeply.

Y’all light a fancy torch but just shine on your own shadows.
Good luck growing up. I genuinely hope that one day you will look back at the times you NPC’ed for anti-human ideaologies of real oppressors and dictators with actual guilt and shame. I doubt you ever will, though.

Enjoy TWW.

I disagree with you a little on this one. I think you’re attributing things to capitalism (which I’m not opposing) that are actually more to do with the rise of governmental systems which hold greater respect for individual liberty and autonomy. Capitalism is more aligned with that notion than more domineering economic systems like socialism and communism, but that could be considered mere correlation.

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This is like saying that anything involving categorization is a “social construct.” Categorization might itself involve very slight shifts, but the categorizing itself is attempting (sometimes imperfectly) to describe an observable reality carried through genetics.

This is true for all living things. If someone said that dog breeds are a social construct and not a genetic category, they probably would not do well as a dog breeder. If you had a cartoon with a German Shepherd trying to pump up the confidence of a Chihuahua by telling him that “breed is just a social construct,” the audience would laugh if the Chihuahua bought into it.


If race is a social construct, does that mean I can be black as a pale skinned guy?


You missed the entire joke.

Race isn’t in your DNA

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You keep saying the same insane thing. Is this supposed to be a Big Lie strategy? It takes more than just one person on a forum to pull that off.

The racist undertones on this analogy.


Race is 100% a human invention, and there is nothing in your dna that classifies you as any specific “race” lol.

Do you think you know more than The National Institute of Health and National Human Genome Research Institute?

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I mean it was all male leads for centuries for everything in society? Equality is having female leads for the next 90 years at least.

Agreed… Human nature though, people love to overcompensate for everything I find. Hopefully we can reach some semblance of balance at some point.

That is what is known as an Appeal to Authority fallacy. Disregarded as the garbage it is.

“There’s too many women lead characters this expansion”

almost 3k replies later

Racial eugenics???



Blizzard isn’t making games for customers anymore, they are making games for shareholders, that’s their number one priority, if the customers like the game that’s just a bonus.

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