New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Apparently lmao

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That’s racist.

Sir, you are not going to have comic fans coming for me. abandons ship

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Do you think you know more than The National Institute of Health and National Human Genome Research Institute?

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The WoW community… jeez… :joy:

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But I’m not even a communist lmfao

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The U.S. overthrew democratically elected socialist governments and plunged their countries into chaos, then they have the nerve to complain about migrants.

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Chile 1973 before anyone asks

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Adding too many girls to a video game leads to communism. Based on the historical precedence of:



This thread is getting pretty crazy.


Increasingly you’re not allowed to complain about the identity politics. I mean even these forums take a heavy hand in promoting them and deleting threads that don’t support the narrative.

You can see it bleed out that many people don’t support it but then the thread will get deleted and a bunch of people get banned, meanwhile the bad faith trolls are free to spam 24/7 as long as it’s outwardly supportive even though its obvious to everyone they’re trolling.


Now that’s a conspiracy theory if there’s any :confused:

Don’t tell people what’s inside their head.

The literal demons are people like you who gaslight others because y’all can’t live your own lives and work for fulfilment. You cling onto an ideology made by people like you, Marx and Hitler to excuse being anti-human.

Drop that psychology. You can do better.

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Go learn human history and live in reality. Then stop trying to gaslight people.
Wannabe totalitarians is what you are. Anyone with a little psych knowledge can immediately see that.


When you have a Woke, DEI focused company and employees, they always push their agenda any way they can. Is anyone really shocked by this?


Like it or not, Marxism has historically been utilized for national liberation.

Not shocked. Just tired of it. Especially since it does no one any favors.

If killing 200M people (and more today) is your moral sense of ‘liberation’ (a cult religious term btw), your moral sense itself is highly questionable… That, or your historical knowledge and decision to live in utopian delusion.


It’s 200 million now? The usual number they give is 100 million. Capitalism has killed far more than that.

I’m talking about liberation from occupation and colonialism.

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Since we’re on the topic of a little psych knowledge, how would you analyze someone who keeps saying they’re gonna stop posting, but can’t stop themselves from posting?

What if they call anyone that lightly pushes back on their ideas hitler?

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Capitalism never killed a single person.
It saved billions of people from poverty and QUINTUPLED their lifespan in under 200 years…

Statism, Nationalism, Socialism do still wage wars and wield famine everyday, however.

Yall need to go back to school.