New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

If you end up correct in the future, I’ll buy you six months of subscription.

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My uncle mention this to me and my Mom a few years back and warn us about not getting involved in such extreme sides as there is no structure or reasoning except the one you make in your head, that he rather we do a christian religion that has atlest some kind of structure (AND HIS AN ATHEIST!!!). He also mention to us an interesting bit that I forgotten saying that this is why when you get a job and sign a contract most companies use to uphold that the workplace and in working hours where not a place to discuss “religion or politics” and that your work should not be influence by it, it should be influence by the Companies vision and how to better serve the clients needs. Why people are hired by experience, talents, or studies, external factors that qualify them to get the job, you know external factors that has nothing to do with race, gender, sexuality… etcetc? (He kept talking to mom about it, mostly checking on her because he said that the World have gone mad after Covid)

Apparently he has been treating a few people who were or are from each side of this political discussion/movement, even people who were neither but got emotionally affected as their families or close friends for years were suddenly tearing each other apart with this new extreme views (or as he started to call it: Neo Religion) and he got worried about us so he reach out to Mom.

Just wanted to point out, that you are not wrong and that people who think like you are onto something just like my Uncle… He even said that phycologist and psychiatrist colleges of his were constantly calling Zoom meetings to discuss this sudden change in societies behavior especially after Covid and how best approach it since most patience were very “sensitive or adverse” to anything that made them accountable or go against their political views. They need to discuss how to best integrate the patients to society without pushing them to either side.

It’s been a few years I should probably call him to see how he is doing he seem stress last time he talk to Mom.


You keep dodging this one:

The rest of what you said is a strongly opinionated interpretation of the “economic ideology” put in the dumbest way possible which further proves my point that I’m not wrong.

This suddenly made me picture one of those tropes for the scandal of an affair being revealed when a child is born. Like where you have a white couple, yet the child birthed is clearly mixed race.

But instead of the husband being like, “Oh my god, you cheated on me, that’s not my child.” The husband, as a good modern progressive who understands that white is a class, and not a race, reacts by going, “Oh my god… we’re not as rich as I thought.”


You really think entertainment companies would try and do that?

Pander to a potential market?

(Years of pandering to gain access to the Chinese-market 2010-2020 in the background.)

Seems like a lot of boys don’t know how to handle video games unless there’s some other big, sweaty buff boys for them to look at. Kinda sad, actually.

Race is not a genetic category, its a social construct

Whenever i see a thread complaining about an apparent overabundance of female characters, i always wonder what the OP would prefer to see?

Nobody wants them. Feels forced and out of place. Reminds me of that scene in the avengers:end game where all the females gathered together in one scene. Almost ruined the entire movie

And? There needs to be a set standard who is a lead and genders?

You do realize no one outside of certain college campuses actually believes this, right?


Which are very same pockets supporting literal anti-human things and cheering for the destruction of their civilizational foundations :confused: Irrational cultism leads to self-destruction. The majority who think that postmodernism in entertainment (and elsewhere) is just annoying, and nothing to worry about are asleep at the wheel. When there’s no awareness and opposition to a mind parasite, it grows and consumes.

Then tell, Obama, that he owes me reparations.


This post is racking up the oofs!


Maybe its a hidden fetish or something…else, veiled even from them… mmmhmmmm


Joking I could not resist, I’ll let myself out!

Joking aside, need to see if I can finish the campaign now that I got the time, I admit Faerin Lothar is growing on me… she is not what I expected when I saw the trailer.

Oh wait, maintenance… :sob:

Oops you dodged it again

They gotta hit all the DEI check marks to keep the shareholders happy.


Are you unironically asking me if I realize uneducated people on the matter don’t know that race is a social construct?

You’ve got a source of infinite knowledge at your fingertips to quickly search this and you chose not to before posting this comment :skull:

I’m telling you that people leave colleges, go into the real world, and realize how much of what they were taught was garbage. You’ll understand later in life.


They want to see big, beefy men – nipples pierced, chests sheened with sweat, a nice layer of hair, and a big axe or sword on their back. You know, kinda like that one Grom Hellscream artwork from WoD. It’s a kink, apparently.