New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

He’s not wrong, but the Barbary pirates also touched our boats. DON’T TOUCH THE BOATS!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

We’re all cancelled?!?!?! Maybe we’ll get picked up by another network. :pleading_face:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

We’ve been on the air for 20 years. Maybe it’s time to just shut it all down.

Most TV shows can’t remain good after about 7-10 years.

You do have a point. Just don’t stick me with it. :flushed:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

/randomly pokes with a stick

does that count as a point?

Idk if you read my other comments, but I went into those exact terms as plainly as I could. The culprit here (Postmodernism, Marxism, 'Woke’ism) is an anti-human, anti-reason, anti-reality cult religion rewarding (exploitative) narcissism (Subjectivism), nihilism (Determinism + Negativism->Fatalism) and infantility (Relativism). It doesn’t promote anything of progress, but rather aim to destroy an invisible, all-controlling, metaphysical ‘Demiurgal’ enemy (modernity, markets, freedoms, “the West”). It doesn’t unify people, but rather splits them into groups and pits them against one another. It also uses psycho/social/linguistic Dialecticism (or as Orwell put it, Double-Speak) – each term having an insider secret/‘gnostic’ meaning. Diversity = of superficiality but unity of mind. Equity = equal outcomes but no individual difference of chance at fulfilment. Inclusion = of cult members and silencing of other opinions.

I think you’re right, though, that it’s futile to try and reason with people who have chosen to forego it. I’ve felt something is wrong with entertainment since ~2015 – it’s no longer escapist, just purely ideological and divisive!
Then, I’ve experienced the tribalism a lot in academia; in the humanities and social sciences, all sorts of detestable and nonsensical post-modern philosophers are literally worshipped as deities and taught as straight up religionist indoctrination presented as “atheistic” (New Scientism and New Age are actually not different at all)… and bullying, shaming and gaslighting of any different or un-brainwashed opinions are all too common (as they are on social media). Indeed, cult tactics 101. The Cult of the Lazy (and arrogant) – that’s right on the money every time!

I’d argue that the psycho-social Meme of being enamored with a Utopian vision, changing human nature and justifying incompetence with power usurpation… is all too common now Regardless(!) of country or politics (Pre- and Post- modernism are far more similar than different, as they all share core epistemologies from Orphism, Sophism & Neoplatonism). Is it more envy, resentment or fear that’s driving this set of ideas, though? Hard to tell. Probably a mix of it all…

It is 100% useless to try and de-program NPCs. The problem is that they try and gaslight, bully and brainwash you into submission all the time. As you probably saw, they can’t help but slowly reveal their special, mystifying narrative (gnosis) and then pressure reality into bending to their whim (hermeticism) as hard as they possibly can.

Since learning to recognize the behavioural and philosophical patterns, the “revelation”, ironically… of how dominant this way of (anti, but also double-) thinking actually is, has been truly staggering and alienating, actually… I don’t care what results being for reason brings. I choose integrity and humanity, and I try to dispel the wizard’s circle when it interferes with my life (e.g. the games and movie franchises I’ve grown up with). However, I don’t think the culture can be truly taken back from the cult. I think people who are still for modern values need to make their own escapism, entertainment and information venues free from these devastating philosophies and psychology (ideology), and I sure will try. In this arena, growing a physical library and starting to write my own fiction as well as ideas while learning as much as possible IMO has been a good start. Those, and just trying to enjoy whatever I can while staying away from the mind-parasitized corpora as much as I can, and trying to expose it wherever I see it.

We truly live in a regressive, anti-human dystopia. While most people would read those as a warning, though, the cult activists read them as manuscripts for sowing chaos, dividing people etc. I term it Anti-Modern- Western Neo-Maoism, because it’s not enough to just include some (Neo-Platonist) social and political narratives over others. It’s race AND class AND gender and any other sorts of atomized identity, literally anything under the sun until there are no individual identities of people remaining, only the mystifying narrative that leads one to serve others (Altruism) (Befitting old-school Marxism – the revolutionary, new dictator “Woke” class. The “New Man”, a “species being”… even though most of the Intersectional, Postmodern faith branches are literally anti-human e.g. posthumanism. There’s even a New-Age like Gaia worship such as in Cultural Environmental studies). A true abandonment of, and a childish opposition towards the (Classical Liberal and Enlightenment individualistic) ideas that have even gotten these people to the station where they’re at, living the sort of life of excessive comfort that even ENABLES them to contemplate against their nature, history, freedoms and moral integrity to begin with, let alone spread it to anywhere in the world with technology and pass it down via open education and information media. Indeed, it is the most complex, rapid and dangerous form of totalitarianism in the entirety of human history. Unfortunately, it very well may be the last as the guilt + envy led to self-destruction as we’re seeing via recent cultural and actual wars, polarization and tribalism increasing by the minute.

If anyone actually doubts that Marxism is the root narrative and Conflict Theory the core tactic, I recommend delving into the exact type of research you linked above (James Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose et al / New Discourses Podcast) … As well as listening to literally any interview with defectors from totalitarian regimes and ideologies, such as Yuri Bezmenov, Ayn Rand, or Xi Van Fleet as a more recent example. I also highly recommend Nikos Sotirakopoulos. On postmodern online psychopathology, I really like Josh Slocum, and for summaries of the theories and philosophers, Michael Young / Wokal Distance. There’s also a great video from today on YouTube “Where do our modern ideologies come from” by TIKhistory. The patterns are in plain sight, and more people are beginning to see them and resist the IRL literal Cult of N’Zoth, because that’s what it is in everything but name.

If one thinks this is all just a theory, still, I recommend reading what the Post-modern philosophers and academics themselves wrote, as well as classical Marxists, and see that they exactly align and continue from one another. Anyone can use their rational capacity (if they have a little bit of maturity, reading comprehension, patience and intellectual honesty towards themselves) to read and see how ideas are applied to reality via things like education, policy and economic decisions. This, counter to the secret knowledge of the “Woke” Neomarxists, is objective, observable and understandable by anyone.

Also recommended - Dystopian novels showing the mutations of totalitarian ideas. In general, besides learning about history and various disciplines… reading fiction including, perhaps most poignantly fantasy and science-fiction to see what constitutes a human being, a “heroic being”, or an anti-human villain’s arc under various sets of ideas. Stories and characters obviously reflect the dispositions of their writers. There’s a good reason escapist entertainment is so impactful, and I’ll encourage anyone interested in these phenomena to make their own connections and see where the subversion of that leads philosophically, morally, and practically (historically, and today). The reason for this ‘essay’ is because I care about WoW’s story not being a tool for an ideology. Besides just the historical and moral points… It’s clear via just raw data (let alone wide feedback) that hijacking secondary worlds, stories and characters to preach these things leads nowhere constructive or productive, for neither the producer nor the consumer.

Like I mentioned above, I’m not even religious, nor political, and neither do you have to be to see that’s what’s going on - a mass gaslighting and demoralization project against modern values, under a guise of being modern (but really, explicitly Post-modern with a plan to ‘liberate’ the world from metaphysical shackles via ‘a long march’). Under modern values, things like gender never mattered, and people are judged for their work and values in cooperation towards individual fulfilment… rather than as group representatives judged by arbitrary superficial differences and clashing for power, which one must be gaslit and indoctrinated into in order to believe. That’s what individual rights and freedoms always represented and defended. What we’re seeing here is just a microcosmic example for a worldwide symptom, of a philosophy which is just the misguided, hateful opposite of all of that, wanting to (explicitly!) “burn it all” to leave vacuum for an actual dystopia to somehow, (literally) magically make everything better. So ironically, instead of actually promoting freedom and equality, it’s all doing anything but.


All this fuss for me asking if the lads gonna join us in the x pack :skull_and_crossbones:

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Say youyou never passed HS freshman history without saying you passed HS freshman history


People who lack critical thinking skills inherently believe that you asking for more male presence in the storyline = you asking for fewer female characters, and therefore being part of the “anti-woke” campaign.

I think we’re still dealing with the fallout from the scandal, unfortunately. Blizzard feels the need to virtue signal with an abundance of female characters, disabled characters, etc. It wouldn’t be an issue if it didn’t seemingly come at the expense of the men in the story, but alas.

I suppose people could argue that men were way more prevalent in the narrative before Dragonflight and that having female dominated narratives counters that, but I personally don’t believe you counter inequality with more inequality.


2663 replies… woah :joy:

Blizzard is running out of white guys to disenchant from the game.


We can address the issues using different terms, and yet many people will still refuse to see the point. I think what matters most is that these ideas simply don’t work in reality. They destroy what works best instead of building up on it, and don’t promote any real unity or minimize real, uncontrollable differences that block individuals from fulfilling themselves in the time in which we live. Today, at least in the places I’d presume the majority of those writing here come from, the issues being espoused are no longer real issues. They are imaginary, perpetrated and renewed for the creation of conflict rather than solving it (of course, the result of espousing and fighting a narrative issue nonstop is that its opposite will eventually manifest! Only reinforcing the cycle as that is how they view the world…). Once people choose to look past that, and take the time to understand what sets of values bring to their lives as individuals… and why certain things matter more than others… Then, they will care about more productive things, write better stories (and also treat others better as a result of improved practical self-esteem).


The game has so many problems, and the story was already terrible long before they shifted the focus due to real-life scandals and the general media trend towards women… but I can’t remember there ever being such a big fuss as there is now, just because there are so many female NPCs. As if the story would suddenly get better under the same writers just by swapping the gender of the main characters… The WoW forum is really something else. :sweat_smile:

Are the woke satanic marxist communists in the room with you right now?

Legitimate wall of word salad.


white is a class not a race

Just say you don’t or refuse to think deeply or learn about anything you read (except that which you believe subjectively and axiomatically). Trying to dismiss things childishly because you don’t understand them, or they expose the psychology behind behaviors you apparently condone… doesn’t change reality. It only reflects on you. :confused:

Ahh, never mind. The hypocrisy is revealed via cult-speak. This only reinforces my point about this entire idea system being Neo-Maoist (splitting people into groups and enacting ‘revenge-discrimination’ based on class + race etc.)

Honestly, though, these outlooks are so focused on the past and the wrong values… instead of those with actually produce present productiveness and future improvement, in this case, individualism and equal opportunities (again, modern [classical liberal, enlightenment] values, under which superficial differences don’t matter)

The fact so many people never even consider races, genders etc. of characters, and yet those who do demand that things be rectified, retconned and subverted with this regressive idea… only proves this HAS to be indoctrinated into and coerced into submission via gaslighting, as it is… a cult religious system denying reality, or humanity.


Shouting buzz words in a wall of text isn’t saying anything.

Oh right because Capitalism isn’t practiced by dividing the working class by wealth and race :roll_eyes:

And yes white is a class, not a race. Read “Working Toward Whiteness: How America’s Immigrants Became White: the Strange Journey from Ellis Island to the Suburbs” by David Roediger

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Huh Dargon is still a kid or more likely a teen. If your expecting a twin axe wielding full beard Muriadin Bronzebeard out of somebody who is cannonically under 18 i got some bad news for you. They are clearly setting Dargon up as the next high dwarf king im willing to give them some time to actually devolp his character. Plus he kind of seems like a young Brann and everybody loves Brann. I’d completely agree Anduin needs to buck up and actually act like a man and a king, i get it bad stuff happened but seriously Jaina didnt even get this emotional when she was blamed for her father death take some lessions from your aunt dude. I would be supremely happy if some event happens that actually ignites the Wyrnn spirit in Anduin, bit i wont get my hopes up.

As you just did yes.

A word made up by a mystical infantile who refused to work. A twisting of human evolution in service of a utopian vision. Try not producing to feed yourself, not trading values with other people to enhance your life, not preserving your own interests first… and see where that leads you in reality :slight_smile:

Ideobabble (cult-speak) and doublespeak (‘white’ can’t be a class by definition) -
NPC repeat without rational explanation (because there can be none here).

I’m not reading some collectivizing, racist text by a person clearly rationalizing regressive values and providing a revolutionary “Revelation” (gnosis). There’s a reason people migrate to certain places over others – these places, relative to others, promote equal opportunities and treat people based on the “content of their character”.

The return to races, to the sexes, etc. and portraying the world as a battleground for power… Is just that. A cultish, mystifying view born from a technically infantile, emotionalistic desire for revenge against an imaginary Demiurge. Psychologically stunted adult rationalization of a tantrum based “I deserve” and “no u” mentality. No sane, mature person can accept this willful blindness… at least without the coercion people with this ideology enforce. Which seems what you lot are trying to do here :confused: And people thankfully caught onto that. The people protecting this revenge, divide & conquer narrative only show their own misguidance and hatred. Y’all are the only real remaining [insert arbitrary -ist word here here] in the 21st century, projecting that on everyone else so you can continue to ignore reality and control others, instead of living your own lives.



do… do you think “Capitalism” is a made up word? :rofl:

More word salad.

He’s the Foundation Professor of American Studies at University of Kansas, the book is based on his studies :skull:

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