New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Bring back strong and honorable male characters


I’m reminded of that awful girlboss music video Katy Perry put out a month ago, Woman’s World.


Male characters have to be weak, stupid, angry or all together at once.
There is no room for a competent male character and this is sickening!

I’m just happy to be getting away from the pervasiveness of meek and feeble characters thrown at us in DF. Every centaur and their dog seemed to have some crippling anxiety disorder. Alleria is a badass. Most other characters seem pretty well written so far. I have no qualms.

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THe lads ;. the lads…we never have the LADS!!! bahahaha

so…whats wrong with all female leads?

You can’t play this card after playing the “this game isn’t representative enough” card.


i didnt play any cards

I just wish they would erase Faerin from the game. She has that thing where I can look at her and immediately hate her for no discernable reason


“anduin got evil just like Arthas did!”
“anduin does the sword pose just like Artha did!”
“anduin risk his life just like his father did”

When Anduin will do stuff like Anduin, and not ripoff other characters i wonder, so much for our “priest” in full plate armor using a sword

You don’t know what oppression is either and it shows.
“Won’t somebody think of the oppressed white people who oppressed the native americans?”
-Some dude in the WoW forums

(Bro still doesn’t know communism is a type of economy :skull: :skull: :skull:)

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The answer to this question is really quite simple. Spergs like this always follow the mantra, “If I have a problem with it, I’ll make it everyone else’s problem.”

When Anduin does stuff like Anduin y’all b***h about that too.

Oh look more buzz words

:rofl: :rofl:
Take that athiest communists

Oh tell me more about how bringing up issues 60 years ago (that are still worth fighting for) makes me a racist because I didn’t bring up issues 200 years ago.

You’re clearly a racist, unless you eat other Forsaken, then you’re an equal opportunity cannibal, like me. Oh that? That’s my meat locker. No, those aren’t shouts for help from it, it’s . . . ice, cracking as it melts. Scout’s honor. :innocent:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Well since religion is now being talked about, I guess:


So, you’re a scientologist? :thinking:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Rodney King didn’t happen 200 years ago bro

I’m with Farnsworth

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Scientology is just an unfortunate stealing of the name by something that has less than nothing to do with the scientific method.

Which as a firm believer in I’m very offended by the way most of social media tries to use science to act like they’re right.

I’m told this means you’re all cancelled now.