New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

What other reason is there to accumulate wealth than to pass on advantages to your kids and grand kids? All parents want their kids to have every advantage imaginable.

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While what you say is true, we’re unfortunately forced to do it on at least one character to skip it. You can’t progress to later stuff until it’s completed. It’s something I’ve disliked since BFA.


I would not mind non-binary leads too. Everyone should feel welcomed and represented.

Anduin needs to date and marry Baine!!!

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Oppression is oppression. You don’t get to set rules that conveniently exclude your opponents due to arbitrary reasons.

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Nope. Complaining is how Blizzard listens, what do you think would have happened if nobody moaned and whined about Shadowlands, and just quit? Do you think you would be enjoying the game right now?

They fixed the gameplay, and now they need to fix the writing and world building of stories to bring it to part with how WoW used to be, a game about compelling heroic characters, not soap operas characters that have internal conflicts every minute they stumble upon a problem.

People are allowed complain.


Which results, in, wait for it, oppression.

You weirdos don’t even understand your own rhetoric, which is taking class struggle from marxism and just blindly applying it to race while mysteriously forgetting class in the process. “bUt YoU cAn’T bE OpPrEsSeD iF yEr bOuEgEoIsIe, nAh WaIt . . .” That’s literally you.


They are arguing in bad faith and are basically trying to say that it doesn’t matter that certain groups of people are not getting representation because “everybody has been oppressed.” Typical reductive arguing by the white supremacist crowd.


Finally. /backtopopcornin

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If some people are going to bring up that certain people have been oppressed for hundreds of year then it’s definitely relevant to bring up that so was practically everyone. My family were serfs until the mid 1800s. It’s really a post-WW2 phenomenon that a lot of people have been living it up and even then the US conscripted men to war until Vietnam.

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Every now and then some random will chip in, but for the most part it’s been like the same 4 people arguing in circles for days now xD

I love it though

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350 distinct users have posted in this thread.

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Yes, and a very small number of those users make up the vast majority of the posts in this thread, just like my comment implied.

It’s because they think rights are a zero sum game. If the groups they don’t like get too many rights, those groups will take theirs away.

There are a lot of people that actually think like that.

This is a yikes from me, boss.


The Point---------------------------------------->


feyrre quick run!

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Make Thrall great again.
For the Horde!


What a weird take on all of this. Yes…if 0 children are born we will go extinct. Are we actually thinking that will happen and is a concern right now? You do realize if we start to have a population decline it doesn’t mean no babies are born…and that anywhere from the 11 billion at the expected peek to 0 there would be changes in birth rates.

It took us a very long time to get to where we are, and will take a full 60 more years to slow to no net gain. When we hit no net gain in 60 years and start to decline it will still take a very very long time to get to extinct.

I am arguing that the idea that women’s duty is to have children is ridiculous. They should not be bound to do that. FYI the definition of duty is
a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.
a task or action that someone is required to perform.

Neither of those is the right term for this. We need to keep having babies to stay around, we don’t need to continue to increase the population to do that. Women are the only ones that can have babies. We should make it easy for them to choose that if we want them to do it, with financial and other supports.
We should not shame them.
We should not make them feel like they are being forced to do this.

That is the crux of my argument. We are fine, stop being horrible to women because of their choices for their own lives and bodies.

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Which is fine. They simply get wiped out of the gene pool for their decision.