New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I don’t want this post to past cause boy do I have a truth bomb for you.

Most wars was over a woman or the safety of a kingdom’s women. Women need resources for children and caretaking of the soldiers and men who protect the village/ town/ city/ kingdom.

Look into a lot of the historical wars in Europe for instance. A lot of it over a woman. Heck, one of the most popular Greek stories had two kingdom fighting cause of a single woman.

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But they were not fleeing oppression specifically because they were white. Big difference there, buddy :slight_smile:

Well since you can’t politely decline being being attacked by another entity, it’s not about what should or shouldn’t. But yeah, different discussion and not the place for it.

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I mean, entire towns were taken prisoner in the colonial new world and enslaved by the barbary coast slave trade. It’s one of the reasons the Navy was first implemented, to stop this slave trade which was larger and lasted longer than the african slave trade. Just history you aren’t told. Everyone’s been oppressed, and been the oppressor, if we’re to judge each other by our races like you are implying.


Thank you!
Someone finally brings that up in that argument…

Tho didn’t know about the Navy part.


The characters are all poorly written. The male characters are badly written, the female characters are badly written.

And it is a little strange that every single major character in the plot is a woman. Or…

1: Gives up their mantle to their daughter, who is far more wise, competent and intelligent than they are.

2: Is a dick, and sacrifices themselves for the Greater Good™.

3: Is a loony villain.

4: Is named “Anduin”

5: Is a giant nerd who was completely absent from the story until now.

None of these characters are compelling and the only one anyone cares about is Alleria, largely because she has the benefit of having been built up since Legion. Everyone else is either a cardboard cutout or someone we were already exhausted with.

…so you don’t actually know history.


Yeah this is pretty much it.

Then just don’t play it. Quit doing things you don’t enjoy like playing games you don’t enjoy anymore.

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I’m guessing the suggestion too improve on writing characters is off the board because it’s stay or leave?


Its funny that no-one stops to consider that the word slave is most likely derived from the greek equivalent of Slav, because Eastern (white) Europeans were regularly being enslaved by muslims in the middle ages. People act like white people invented slavery but the term is literally derived from white people being enslaved by muslims (whose slave trade goes on to this day and predated the european slave trade, involving far more people, including more africans). Europe and even the US were regularly being raided by muslim slavers up until only about 200 years ago.

The US Navy is actually what abolished the Barbary pirate slave trade in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. The British Navy abolished it in many other places. In other regions of the world it continued for a long time after the US slave trade ended, and in many regions persists today. People have an entirely backwards view of history.


That’s not how criticism works.

I criticize the writing in WoW because I want to see a better version of it, not because I want to quit. Are you stupid? If I didn’t care I wouldn’t be playing. I do care, that’s why I complain.


But the characters can be poorly written and I can still enjoy the game. Because the story is optional compared to the gameplay. I haven’t liked the story, since, well, to be honest since the beginning I guess? I joined the game to play with friends, friends all quit but by then I was hooked. I make up my own little headcannon thoughts about my characters, the actual story has never interested me in the least.

Same thing is how I played D&D for years but never gave a damn about dragonlance or forgotten realms. Was too busy doing my own thing to care, like, at all.

Comparing American colonists fleeing British control to black people being enslaved bc of their skin color or women being denied rights bc they’re women is wild, and you know it. They are very different things. You, as a (presumably) white, straight man, have never in HISTORY been oppressed BECAUSE you’re a straight white man.

It’d be nice if the plot could be skipped or bypassed but you functionally can’t.


presumably the same thing that was wrong with all male leads, which mainstream media cancelled any IP doing starting about 8 years ago

Shut the hell up. My family never owned land in europe. We were the working-poor, the serfs, the oppressed, if you will. My grandfather’s people were second class citizens in Hungary, that’s why they left and came here. It’s so beyond reductive to say one race has been oppressed more than another. You don’t know anyone’s family history so your comment is laughable in the extreme.

The aristocracy didn’t even know their peasants were “white” because they were all permanently sun-burnt. It took them taking off their shirts and bathing in a stream for one aristocrat to go “holy crap, they are white?!?!?”

Learn some damned history, my god.


Again, white people did not invent slavery and were not even the worst in the Atlantic slave trade, much less worldwide. Far more went to South America from the Spanish and Portugese. The muslim slave trade predated any white slave trade by like 1000 years, involved at least 10x more black AND white people, and there is still slavery in the middle east. If you’re worried about this, you should be looking at basically everywhere else in the world except the US and Britain who are essentially solely responsible for ending slavery in most of the world. Don’t forget to go after Ghana and Nigeria whose ancestors provided many of the slaves for trade. You have no understanding of history, it’s entirely backwards. There’s a lot of Americans who are completely brain rotted by social media and have no education, and so hate their societies, when they are in fact the fairest societies humanity has ever produced.


Tell that to the men fighting in Ukraine (if they’re still alive and not disabled) who aren’t allowed to leave the country.

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That’s called classism, sweatie.

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Me watching everybody talk about historical privledge, knowing I descend from wealthy land owners: