New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

her hell has climate control. It’s more like being in a room with an old person. uncomfortably warm and dry.

This is still around?


it’s 3 Minutes Hate, not 3 Days Hate guys. Get with Big Brother’s program already. Settle down and get back to work until the daily hate minute show is on again.

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Because no one is more oppressed than the straight white man, right? You poor babies.


I never said that…I said if the bs idea you put forward ever happened someone else would fill the role. I wouldn’t be mad at those people, because 1. it’s a hypothetical that would never happen. 2. If it did I would look at their reasoning for walking off and not assume they are horrible people. I would make due while supporting whichever side I felt was right but I wouldn’t villify them.

Putting forward that idea in contrast to wether a woman is duty bound to have a child is the real intellectual dishonesty. It’s Crowder style debate setup and is completely ridiculous. You know that though, that is why you started going pedantic and not arguing the topic in the first place.

I never comment on reddit and only occasionally use it when google finds a tech answer there for me. The rest is funny because you are as well so haha.

If I had no long term internet access I would rig up a system to fix it. If everyone at my local locations walked out my first reaction would be “what happened?”, followed by “what did the isps do?”. Then I would look at the situation and see what’s up. Of course…that will very likely never happen and because I am lucky to have multiple isps in the area the other would just fill in the gaps. So your hypothetical just doesn’t work here.

You literally never said that LOL

Whats there to argue? If children aren’t born the human race goes extinct over time. Nobody is here to argue common sense.

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So, anything that doesn’t specifically favor men is now checks notes…communist? Okay then.

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We get it, you are hardcore maga, give it a rest. Don’t you have school or something.

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Giving groups of people that have been historically underrepresented and oppressed more representation and equal rights is not some big conspiracy theory. It’s basic humanity. Y’all are a bunch of psychopaths o_O

What rights did Thrall have that Jaina did not?

Men have never been oppressed specifically because they were men. But women have definitely been oppressed specifically because they were women.

Please don’t use words you don’t understand the meaning of. Thanks.

Ah yes, because white americans have been just as oppressed as jews, natives, and black americans :roll_eyes:

Ffs lmao

You mean the wars that male leaders start in favor of greed and gov’t agendas?

You all create your own problems lol

Dude’s never heard of YPJ lol

They don’t love the poor and oppressed, they just hate the rich and successful.

Not any more. Now with equality, the blame is equal. I’d like to say the obligation should also be equal but to be honest, I don’t think unwilling female conscripts are a good idea.

I don’t believe unwilling conscripts are a good idea for anyone, whether you’re male, female, or otherwise. No one should be forced to go to war. But that’s a whole different discussion.

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oh hes back.

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We’re about to get a new expansion and this guy’s ranting on the forums about too many women or something. Some people really have no joy left in their hearts.

I would bet $100 you think this game sucks now because it’s just not being made like it’s used to, but I promise you it’s that you’re too miserable and pathetic to enjoy anything anymore.

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Insulting people and strawmanning their arguments only exacerbates the things that bother you. Might want to just stop doing that.