New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

We know men come out of divorces with more money than women

I literally just said…they become poor because of child support and alimony. I want you to reread it carefully.

And that child support is paid because they don’t have to do the daily care of the child.

Most courts side with the woman on child custody. A lot of men want custody of their children.

You know what, why am I bringing this up. We’re talking warcraft and it’s clear you have no experience or knowledge of the real world of male and female dynamics when it comes to it.


perhaps english is a second language for you. I’m calm and hope you can share your joy with others.

You’re comparing alimony to legislation against bodily autonomy, I can’t with these forums :skull:

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I’m comparing treatment of men to treatment of women. Keep up.


That doesn’t help your argument at all lmfao

I mean it’s not like they are doing this for an agenda… Plenty of woke games going broke atm.

But Warcraft has lots of both but males typically are leaders.

Vol’jin, Thall, Garrosh, Lor’themar, Caine, Rokhan, Bain, Saurfang, Gallywix, Kad’gar, Black Prince, Nozdormu, Jalecgos, Ebyssian, Deathwing, Malygos, Lichking just to name a few.

Aye, but the dev team is either killing them off, writing them into irrelevance, or just making them 2nd fiddle to their female counterparts. There isn’t ONE solid, strong, PRESENT male leader. whats her face took over the undead. Turalyon is simply leading stormwind I guess, so he isnt even around. Khadgar…well…spoilers. Lorthemar has not been allowed in the spotlight for years. Thrall has been turned into a pansy. Baine isn’t doing anything as usual. Garrosh is dead/deleted. Arthas was deleted from existence…(really stupid decision there). Voljin is dead. Saurfang is dead. Cairne is dead. I doubt wrathion will really be involved with any of this expansion…hes too busy with dragon stuff. Others you listed like deathwing and malygos are dead. I have NO idea whats going on with former lichking fordragon right now. Genn has been overshadowed by daughter taking the mantle. Daddy illidan is screwing around in space. Velen ALSO isnt doing anything. Varian is dead. AND ANDUIN was ACTUALLY getting somewhat interesting by end of BFA, then shadowlands said “LOL you a pansy crybaby now”…

I don’t even think I covered it all…if blizz is going for any kind of gender equality/representation, they are failing more than they usually do.


Well what’s the biggest fear in a gamers life? Probably taking a bath and interacting with females. WoW is just playing into the fears of the everday gamer. Unfortunately bathwater isn’t that menacing so females it is.

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Saurfang died as more of a man than any of you will ever achieve in your lifetime.


I completely agree hence i don’t plan on buying TWW, Warcraft is a shell of it’s former glory in the current expansions. Only way to make them stop is don’t buy it.

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Haha wow not gonna admit you said population is decreasing right now huh. Ok to the block bin with you. I will debate just about anything but trying to just paper over what you said make you totally not worth my time.

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Hehe I knew you would go there. Pedantic arguments after facts fail you. Very internet discussion. Don’t argue the points argue the definition of words so when you get called out you can claim grievance. So silly.

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Maybe they should learn how to use protection and/or maintain healthy, loving relationships.


No he didn’t. He was sacrificed on the altar of Anduin thanks to Golden’s infatuation with that character, but before that he was turned from the stoic, unbreakable orc into a sniveling suicidal traitor who was too much of a coward to do what he thought he should, instead he opted to let his enemy live so that enemy could do the job for him. A perfidious move.

You don’t have a clue what a man is.

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I feel like literally all the male characters have been written horribly for the longest time.

The last chad male character with bit of pop in their personality recently just got vaporised.

Lol, I don’t think you do either.

The whole Saurfang saga was a perversion of that character. They basically had him run around the whole expansion to do what his original character would have done off the bat the moment he felt like he had to. Instead they turned him into a schemer who ran away or tried to hide from his responsibilities.

Saurfang got sacrificed to give Golden’s favorite boy more face time and importance.


There’s a response I can give you, but then you’ll say that’s sexist.


I’m not having an argument with an intellectually dishonest person that said he would have no issue with living without electricity or emergency services or sanitary services.

You aren’t looking to have a real conversation you’re just trying to be argumentative for fun.

You’re a wow player, a wow forum poster, and from the looks of it an obvious redditor. If you had no long term internet access you would literally pack your bags and move.


Bring back strong men characters