New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I didn’t even see that part of SL, lol.

I mean, I heard the gist of what happened, but I didn’t see that in-game.

I was talking before that point. He reminded me a lot of Arthas before Frostmourne, actually (it doesn’t help that he looks a lot like Arthas, too). I didn’t like Arthas as a character either, at least before he got Frostmourned.

At least the Lich King was a good villain, but Arthas as a Paladin? just no. Eeew. I didn’t like that guy from second one.

Saurfang sacrificed himself for who? For the Alliance. Not his people. Courtesy of the same writers who have filled the wow lore with female characters, but couldn’t be aresed to add one to the Horde that actually participated in this expansion. Zero Horde representation start to finish.

And no, aside the part where Anduin imitates his dad, you know what I’m talking about, there’s nothing being developed there. It’s all just him either being really confused and has to be walked through the situation by the one armed pixie or the shadow elf.

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a king should brush that stuff off, sure be sad for a few moments, but the entire storyline is like he needs therapy…its stupid. its not “pandering toxic male stigmas” a weak king would get the ol’ assassination

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Anduin didn’t want to be king.
Its another burden on his shoulders while he’s going through some other heavy stuff.

Yes thank you. Its what actually made me stop playing for over 5 years and what made me go Alliance when I came back. All the needless Horde leader death, or they’re a villain. And the whole Teldrassil thing? As Alliance you got to try to help the people inside escape, as Horde you just … sit there and watch.

Not to mention we lose Cairne, and then we shamans had to recruit his murderer Magatha. They didn’t know how to write after LK, and then in Cata they gave everyone a personality but that involved making Horde more and more evil. I miss the War in Warcraft, not making everything a War Crime and then have it be the Hordes fault writing wise.

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That still annoys me because Jevan Grimtotem, the leader of the Grimtotem that remained loyal to the Horde has yet to appear in game at all. There have been times where he should’ve. Such as Legion, BFA (rescue Baine scenario) and even Dragonflight since we fight a Grimtotem in Vault of the Incarnates, who was also the leader of the Primalists at the time.

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Not every leader is.

It’s not like he was chosen to be King through some vast, democratic process.

Anduin is King… LITERALLY for only one reason: His father died.

Nothing about that suddenly makes him any of the worthwhile qualities we want in a leader. It’s just means: his dad was King.

WoW is actually VERY MUCH doing the right thing here in showing a chr that has a tremendous amount of flaws because all of this was just thrust upon him. Especially since he most outstanding leader/father figure was that incessantly whining loser, Genn.

Anduin is a reflection of Genn.


And thanks. I didn’t even really think about just how much that is true until now.

There’s that insecurity again.

Granted but it’s rat tails.

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Not sure what that’s about. I’ve seen a few notifications for likes on it today.

Meanwhile, not a single female has the same flaws.

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Can’t tell if this was sarcastic or not.
Sylvanas, Jaina, Tyrande are all heavily flawed. 2 of them were raid bosses because of it.

All three of those women got at most a slap on the wrist.

Meanwhile, Kaelthas, who did a LOT LESS than Sylvanas, gets tortured and dragged in chains while a woman is telling him how bad of a person he was.

Heck no.


Sylvanas in in hell how is that a slap on the wrist?

Yep, its another woke expac.

She’s the janitor now. They literally gave her the role that makes her the arbriter OF THE MAW.

Man, I have to now rule this entire land of powerful beings with control the likes one can ever have? Okay I guess…

So laughable.

Boys who pretend to be men crying over a video game when half the women in the US can be forced to give birth against consent.

This is why the world laughs at men now. Weaklings like this crying over a video game after having many generations being the focal point in all media. FFS.


Over half of men are forced to pay child support and alimony, making them poor.


Considering Sylvanas’ soul was split I’d say that’s reasonable. Do you think she wants that position?

Except that’s not true.

We know men come out of divorces with more money than women even with paying child support. And that child support is paid because they don’t have to do the daily care of the child. They’re helping pay for the child they helped create. I’m sorry, I’ve no sympathy for you. It’s also still not on the same level as forced birth after possibly very traumatic health or emotional or financial situations.

You guys are going to be very upset come November, I can already tell.

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