New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Didn’t you know? Inclusion is about making sure that you have a group comprised of everything except straight men, and if we’re talking about RL, add “white” to that too.


What’s really funny, and barely anyone knows about is that more than 40% of these female leads have male understudies. So yea. Figure that out. Wardrobe must be heated.

Can’t do that, violent angry men = toxic masculinity.

Meanwhile I’m over here murdering everything I see for the locals.

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Yeah, I love how “violent angry men = toxic masculinity” but “violent angry women = you go girl”.

Gotta love double standards.


Such diverse, very equitable.

It’s always a funny juxtaposition how in the game we are basically mass murders and constantly carrying revenge plots and such but within the mainline story they can’t just have strong men doing masculine stuff. Or you can’t type naughty words in chat, but you’re allowed to carry out murder fantasies and kill other players indiscriminately in your actions. It makes no logical sense, other than that the writers are trying to shove some real world ideology into the story but don’t actually think about the actions of the game.


Some games even have swears in the game’s actual dialogue, but if you the player types it, it gets censored or you get suspended/silenced/banned, lol.

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Saurfang was the epitome of healthy masculinity. And so is Thrall.
But a double standard is making a statement like this then complaining that Anduin isn’t masculine enough.

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Saurfang was killed off, and Thrall…

Okay I’ll give you that, Thrall can be cool… when he’s actually around and doing stuff. Which isn’t often lately. Maybe TWW changes that? I don’t know, I didn’t plunk down $40 to play 4 days early.

But Anduin, I dunno, I’m sorry but he always came across as a wuss to me. At least after MoP. In MoP was actually liking where he was going, esp when he stood up to Garrosh, even though he was a tiny boy a third his size.

I disagree. No one complained about Tyrande or Maiev back in the day. Many of the new female characters, however, stand apart or even undermine their respective factions. Rather than showcase or champion their society, they seem like a critique or counter it. We don’t even have a proper introduction to the factions without these characters immediately serving to point out why it is stupid.

The Arathi are militaristic, anti-outsider, light zealots, whereas Faerin bucks the hierarchy, shows compassion, and has no extreme beliefs. She is balanced.

It’s like Blizzard is scared to fully commit to its factions and needs a “meta” character to show that they don’t actually believe in the factions. It just so happens that the meta characters are often women.

The Machine Speakers are dedicated to its oaths and the machines to the point of extinction, whereas Brinthe is compassionate and seeks balance.

One of the better female characters imo is the spider. Even though she wants to depose Ansurek, she is not a counterpoint to Nerubian society. She wants to preserve it, not change it.


I wish you people would stop with this evil vs good crap. No really, it’s boring. Yrel isn’t evil. She’s the enemy from the orc perspective, but how is she evil to Draenei, for example? For what trying to pacify the orcs so they don’t go into another orc-rage and start killing goats left and right?

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Yeah, I mean, if you’re doing the Mag’har quests, you’re playing through the story as told by the orcs.

OBVIOUSLY Yrel is going to seem evil.

Kinda like if you do the Alliance Barrens quests, the Tauren are portrayed as evil and if you do the Horde quests, the Alliance are portrayed as being evil.

Tyrande and Maiev weren’t leaders though. Sure Tyrande was there but Fandral was the “leader”.

Brinthe didn’t remind me of compassion she actually reminded me of Borg, but thats semantics.

The spider and that whole faction reminded me of the Klaxxi. I would not be surprised if we build them up just to get owned in a future raid.

I already mentioned this but so many male leaders in WoW have sacrificed themselves for their people. Like Saurfang, Varian, Gamon, and recently Anduin. I can’t think of a single female character off the top of my head who has sacrificed or given us, the audience, emotions from selflessness like they did.

This expansion is showing Anduins growth from a boy to a man. And honestly as a Hordie lifer who has always strongly disliked the Wrynns, his character arc is coming along really, really beautifully.

Tyrande wasn’t the leader of the Night Elves for pretty much the entirety of WoW?


Pretty sure that was her standing in the Temple of the Moon for… how long? Until at least Legion.

EDIT: Even the game itself considered Tyrande to be the leader, as the Horde achievement for killing the faction leaders wanted Tyrande, not Fandral.

I will iterate again that I didn’t plunk the $40 to play 4 days early, so I’ll try and give him another chance, but I meant up until TWW, he seemed like a wuss.

I’ve heard lots of people saying that he is still a wuss, but I’ll try and approach it with an open mindset.


Tyrande and Maiev championed Night Elf beliefs though, especially in WC3. Imagine if those characters instead served to counter or undermine Night Elves society and critique Elune right out of the gate.

Here, we have barely been introduced to the Arathi and the Earthen, and already we have “counter-culture” characters. It is not that those characters types are bad, but it’s like Blizzard is afraid to let the factions have a moment to breathe without some qualifiers added to knock it down a peg.

That is why I am not a fan of these characters. They stand apart from their factions rather than with it in a sense.

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Anduin should have emotions, especially after the death of his father then losing the light, nearly killing Kyrestia, fighting his own people, and killing a bunch of Night Fae…

If this story were written with Anduin just brushing it off like a meathead in an action movie it’d be an awful contribution to pandering toxic male stigmas.

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Yea well that was WC3 friend. The lore and story was better.

We also don’t really know Faerin yet. She did say that she was seen as an was it abomination or looked down on by her family so she stowed away to go with these other Arathians to Hallowfall. I think we’ll see her story progress more. If anything she’s helping Anduin and that makes me the happiest cause I love Anduin.

I will say though with the void speaker dude he made me wanna be a shadow Earthen priest even though my main plan was to be a paladin :laughing:

ooph this thread is still going