New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

You can’t point to faction leaders that aren’t even present in an expac’s story and go “look, there were male leaders!”

They don’t count if they get zero screen time.


I find it a bit sad that its 2024 and so many in the community can’t handle strong female characters. I’ve played since 2006 ya’ll have had so many amazing heroes and story lines, share the love. No need to be triggered.

Perhaps off topic, but I noticed that the “heart” or like button on just this post is unavailable (grey). I have not seen it before. Moderator action?

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Way to be disingenuous and misrepresent the argument.

Strong female leaders isn’t the issue.

The issue is the disproportionate number of major female characters to major male characters, and most of the male characters that DO exist are either weak or they get killed.


I keep reading “lame” or “sad” and none of those are right. He’s deeply troubled by what happened to him bc of the Jailer.

I can EASILY agree that the overall story-telling part isn’t done so well … but that’s a different argument.

It’s just tiresome to keep reading about how “he’s sad”, when it’s not anything of the sort. Just haters piling on. I was bored of that in 2018, how is this still a thing??

Anduin is the main protagonist of this expansion, what are you talking about lmfao

I’m not being disingenuous though? I’ve played for years and the imbalance was real, INCLUDING the fact that Horde lost so many leaders compared to Alliance. I don’t ever recall us women going forth and saying I’m mad! I’m not gonna play anymore! There are loads of men in the game including side quests that are awesome, including Flynn, Merrix, etc. I also see nothing wrong with Faerin being used as a way to get Anduin back in the saddle so to speak, as she’s also very faithful and religious just like he is.


Anduin was never someone who really struck me as being a strong leader.

They started building him up decently in Pandaria when he was taking risks, and running around and being all independent and such and even standing up to Garrosh… but the after that, once he started showing up again in BfA, his butch started shrinking until we wound up with… well, this.

You’re being disingenuous when you claim that the argument is “the OP can’t handle strong female leaders”.

That’s not the argument at all.

You’re twisting the argument into something it never was in the first place.

And yes, during WoD, I didn’t like Y’rel being the only major female character in the whole xpac. I was actually rather sick and tired of hyped up ripped orc dudes.


Sounds like someone either didn’t finish the Arathi questline or wasn’t paying attention. Spoilers:

Anduin risked his life in the same way that Varian did.

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I was talking about Shadowlands, not TWW. You quoted something I said about SL, and I responded to that, talking about SL.

i see it just fine.

Oh right shadowlands, the expansion that kicked off with the beautiful cinematic of Thrall, Saurfang, Zekhan, and Sylvanas as the main villain.

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Yes but even after WoD, they did Y’rel dirty by making her evil in the Maghar unlock story line. Tbh, most of its a case of bad writing and they did get rid of a lot of writers.

Maybe I’m being disingenous without meaning to on the argument of OP not handling strong female characters, but the multiple threads on this, the reddit posts, and the comments on WoW’s posts, has me believing that may be the case. The amount of people claiming “woke” just because women finally get to be leaders. We haven’t even seen anything outside of leveling and won’t get to see War Within quest line until 3pm pst, so how do we even know what will happen? They need to just give things a chance even if they don’t get to see themselves as the leaders for once.

… and then switched to Jaina and Sylvanas, and 3 out of the four zones’ leaders being female. Well, ok, with Maldraxxus, Draka might as well have been the leader for half the zone’s quests.

That got me right in the feels, I love him so much :3

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Can’t rush to assumptions.

You can’t assume that people have something against female leads just because they complain about lots of female main characters suddenly popping up and the guys getting offed or shoved out of the picture one by one.

Alright whatever you say lol. The proof is all over the place, but :+1:

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I thought we were all about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in our society, especially in the Blizzard community.


There’s plenty of us who enjoy a well written good female lead.

Heck, some of my favorite games are female protag games. The Metroid franchise, Nier:A, Tomb Raider (the 2013+ reboot), and many more.

I just don’t like it when a long running game decides that we should shove most of the male characters out of the picture and bring in a cast of mostly girls. I think it should be more 50/50 and let’s not make all the men weak would be nice too.