New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Issue is more with how bad the writing is… the plot is shadowlands level of bad just without as many destructive lore edits so far.

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Here let me quote you as you apparently don’t remember what you said.

Let me guess. " I never said you would hate them just that you would have a major problem with them". That is intellectual dishonesty. Pedantic bs to not debate the actual meaning and implications of your words and stances.

And here since you probably won’t just do a search for someone saying we should shame women into having babies I will show you the post.


stereotypes are so much fun…

Oh…you’re still trying…even after proving me right with your own data. You poor soul. Seethe harder.

Let the thread die, it was nice and quiet for a long while.

You’re right. I’m gonna mute it now. Good luck out there.

Pls calm down. I’m not stating baseless statement . It’s factual history.

Taking issue with an individuals decision is not in the same universe as hating them. What kind of a zoomer internet brainrot take did I just read?

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This is honestly the thing I cannot stand the most. I have sided with the people that act this way my entire adult life, and every time I see this play out it pushes me further and further away.


What is acting “like a dude” to you…? As a female player, I thought they acted normal / reasonable within the context of their situation. There was no particular lean towards masculinity or femininity in their actions.

I would ask you to provide an exact list of traits found within each character that you found abnormally masculine. I don’t say this in a condescending way, but I am genuinely perplexed how you came to the conclusion that Blizzard is trying to write women “acting like dudes”. I really want to understand here.

it’s very forced…you all know why…

Keep in mind that the xpac started getting made a while ago. Back when the DEI cult was still in full swing. Back before companies really started to get the hint that letting the cultists do what they want is costing them money.

It’s to be expected that there’s still some… residue left over.

The way you can tell things are starting to move in the right direction is when Anduin stops being a little b and crying all the time. IF this starts to happen, then we can look forward to what’s coming. If not, then expect more of the same… which means that I’ll personally skip the coming expansions if that’s the case.


I play Draenei females because I do not feel the need to play a refrigerator - not because I feel the need to replace all of the “icky boy leaders”.

I fail to see why people attempt to establish this connection.


The waggle will get you!

Fixed it for you.

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You think Jaina and Sylvanas lead factions in shadowlands? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Or anybody for that matter besides maybe Thrall

Yeah people often forget that games and movies take at least like 3-5 years to make, so it lags the culture. A lot of media has been coming out over the last year or two that was a result of the ~2015-2020 left wing gender/race panic, and now that much of it has bombed, while conventional media without heavy-handed politics has done well, they are changing course away from the activists (e.g., Blizzard bringing Metzen back). But you won’t see that content until later, maybe not even the second worldsoul expansion. Probably the third one will be more back to the original form of Warcraft if he has any real influence.


I read next expansion we will all be females when we go into a dream state for the entire expansion. We won’t even be able to change how we look. However, because it’s a dream state Worgen will have tails.

Well… given that none of the faction leaders except for Baine and Thrall were present (and once you got past the intro they were barely-there), Sylvanas was one of the two main villains for most of the expac.

Jaina was one of the first big figures you meet in the intro and she pops in now and then throughout the expansion IIRC.

Also, you wanna talk about faction leaders…

Bastion: female lead
Ardenweald: female lead
Maldraxxus: Draka ends up being one of the main people you deal with for a good chunk of the zone

That’s what, 3 out of 4?

Oh, and the original Arbiter was female too. Even though she’s not really present in the story. I didn’t play SL long enough to discover who replaces her.

Wow. Amazing. That’s crazy.
Y’all made it seem like there were no male faction leaders left or something.