New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I think they used to be cool because their femaleness was factored into their characters to some degree. Tyrande was one of my faves, she was like a mama bear protecting her cubs, a strong female leader who embodied feminine virtues. Modern WoW writers think “outspoken strong man in female body” is what makes a good woman. They’re just knockoff men, they hate genuine femininity or anything that reflects the traditional role of women as caretakers


i stopepd after the massive “nerf everything” patch back in march…i ehar they jsut gutted the flamethrower and other soruces of fire damage…must have been pretty impactful too because the palyer ase was protesting by letting the bots take super earth

Sure probably, in some cases, but not as an institutionalized revered practice in the culture. These were not idyllic agrarian cultures before the spanish showed up, they were mostly brutal places with minimal development and no expectation of any life quality whatsoever for the peasants.

Yeah I heard about that, then saw the devs apparently post something saying they’re gonna re-evaluate how they do balance lol

Dog the Spanish had institutionalized cannibalism, and routinely tortured you if you didn’t ascribe to their faith. On top of treating you like livestock

oh it was definitely institutionalized, jsut no where near as common place… the inquisition was a nasty nasty beast to the point that even the popes that gave it its power came to fear it

That’s not only the U.S. It’s all of humanity. Can you have a child without a man and woman?

When debating postmoderns / marxians / subjectivists / relativists and other sorts of irrational saboteurs…
It’s really important to not fall for their terms and definitions, which have “secret” double meanings.
“(Anti-modernists) share your vocabulary, but they don’t share your dictionary” (dialecticism).
In this case: Modern → use Post-modern. Traditional → use Natural/Evolutionary.
(And in the case of gender roles – Which actual modern ideas actually helped improve and change to equalize opportunities for individuals… Again, content of character, and all of that sort of good ideas now abandoned again)
You’re welcome friend :slight_smile: Enjoy TWW! :spider: :smiling_imp:

I read your posts in Jordan’s squeaky faux-kermit voice and it’s funny

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Children are made through force rituals

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What is this thread about again?

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lies…we spawn them with ouija boards

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Male grievances over fictional characters.

How children are our future and we need people to make more of them

our plans to eliminate the worgen and sell their fur to vulpera as wigs

Blizzards story tellers suck and should stop telling us about their personal morals that don’t reflect the world outside their bubble.


we all should take one soon, its unhealthy to hold it in, and mentally relaxes you.

at this rate, what culture hasnt?

Have you seen the staff photo? Tells you all you need to know about their decisions.


I didnt played it yet but i couldnt care less about it having female leads.

-Spider ppl: make sense since female spiders are bigger and lay eggs, when males usually even die during mating.
-earthen: ok, could be male.
-void: alerria is already into chaos stuff since god knows when so it makes sense.
-anduin: hes still straight if im right.

this is true.
or sometimes the male spider is eaten before.

this is fair.

and yes he is, and before anyone suggestion wrathion, remember, closest wrathion got, was anduins fist.

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