New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

What is a “God American”?

we’re putting that extra special expansion launch sunday sauce on it

I’m sorry but that’s like saying Listeria poisoning is better than E coli poisoning.

i think that’s our future god emperor…we should show everyone how he protects

Can we put some extra special sauce on Thrall and give him more screentime?
For the Horde!

Not taking sides on anything, I think it was supposed to be God, Americans.

Just a missing comma is all. I’m gonna go back to watching now.

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we can’t…last time aggra caught him smiling at a young orc huntress and bent the …doomhammer

That poor mod who has to go through all what will probably be 4000+ posts by tomorrow morning.

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hey listen…if we can get them enough work that they go over 40 hours and get overtime pay…we’ve done a good thing lets fatten the mods next pay check!

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Well a quarter of the posts here are written by the same crazy person at least

It is futile to try with reason with people whose epistemology doesn’t start with life and fulfilment, but rather with a mystifying (always a subjective projection in a desire to puppeteer others) set of just… Wild… things. People who have made an enemy out of reason itself. (Sylvanas & life itself in BfA intro)

The psychology represented here around these issues (and proven by the agitators themselves, in plain terms) is actually very simple (because it’s observable at a very young age and is usually grown out of, unless it finds a rationalizing basis to hang onto - the ideology).

Ironically, only they can pull themselves out… and usually do with time. I have, actually :confused: and I’m not claiming to have secret knowledge, unlike the one over yonder… I just faced reality and, moved on to using my time more productively (most of the time… except when I write here lol but it’s a process & I’m only human)

Not disproving anything I said earlier about typing like Jordan Peterson~!

Guess I’ll have to give them more work and hopefully something to laugh at as a nice little mental health break mid-thread.

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No, it’s saying that torturing and sacrificing children because the priests feel their tears are pleasing to the gods (what the aztecs were doing) is worse than working on a spanish plantation.

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we gotta spread that liber-tea yo!

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Ho boy let me tell you the Spanish did things just as bad as that! Like burning people alive!

wait wahts that bug in the corner holding…CRAP it’s got a nerf bat ruuuuuuuuuun

I haven’t played in a while but last I checked they gave a small nerf to the shotgun I liked and then never touched it.

Also, keeping people as chattel is an even worse crime than murder.