New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

at a massive clip no less certain mayan festivals often resulted in sacrificing 10’s of thousands, mostly women and children, and it only got bloodier with later civilizations, lets jsut say there was a reason the spanish had so much native help in crushing the aztecs

“How dare those barbarians sacrifice people? We need to civilize them and show our god-sacrifice is superior by enslaving them and killing them if they don’t produce enough sugarcane for the church”

People forget to mention that the British Empire, while sometimes brutal (like every empire in history) modernized half the planet with agriculture, industry, trade, etc. They have this vision of a pre-modern Utopia, when really most places were brutal and violent with widespread food shortages, disease, no literacy, no industry, barbaric practices such as human sacrifices and cannibalism, and short life expectancy. And was also the driving force for the abolition of slavery which most of the world enjoys today. Probably no other country has done more to improve living standards in the world, except perhaps America in recent years (a former British colony).

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you’re missing the point entirely largely as a result of your own bias


You accidentally typed something based as hell

The point is that both sucked. Empires suck and kills tons of people.

sort of tho more so pointing out that for whatever reason it’s treated like only europeans behaved in such a manner when in reality its jsut part of human nature…one that thankfuly we don’t have on such a prolific scale in our time

Genocide and licorice both suck, so that makes them equivalent in their evilness

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You have a great talent for putting words in peoples mouths! Keep up the good work!

Which is why it’s crucial to read people like Orwell (since the person thinking in groups said ‘proles’), without an overlay bias or ideology. Dystopias are just sci-fi warnings about past horrors from bad ideas. It’s all patterns, nothing is hidden. Man, I really do love poignant stories, which I hope the WorldSoul Saga will be shaping up to be :slight_smile:
Post = Pre = Anti-modern (which is why these issues go OVER politics and superficialities, except those who espouse these things just can’t seem to get past in their thinking).

Irrationality, immaturity and mystification, gaslighting… take on many forms :confused:


You’re right. Genocide and exploitation by the Spanish Empire and Catholic Church was much better than Genocide and exploitation by the Aztec Empire!

It’s actually worse than OP is portraying it. There’s actually a decent slate of male characters at the start, but they’re either killed, do nothing, or leave.

Every faction is led by a woman, the villain is a woman, the patch villain is a woman.

Lunatics writing the story rn.



10 chars of big yikes

Nobody has said any of that or other ridiculous statements in that vein except you. Solely you in this whole thread. Because you’re trying to dismiss reality you can’t accept.

I said you’ve been bred to be an obediently low iq money battery consumer that’s easy to control. Nobody is able to deny that considering your behaviour and especially considering all the information we now have at our fingertips (inb4 that’s your cue to behaviour shift to cope-filled ‘lmao’ emojis)

The fact that you’re allowed to call me a “right wing moron” here, unprovoked (I’m center-left btw), whereas if I were to sling an equally tasteless political slur your way I would be suspended in Blizzard forums is plenty fuel enough that they’re being paid off to support degenerism, your ape behaviour, and silencing strong folks like me.

Blackrock and Vanguard are very open about who they’re paying to keep things degenerate in society.


How is it every time I look back at this thread you’ve all managed to find a way to make it even worse?

Female leaders used to be cool, and kinda rare.
Now its just… “great…another one”
Like cmon, every single zone, every single main quest giver, quartermaster, faction or town leader…girls everywhere.

Towards the end of Hallowfall (btw visualy one of the best zones they have ever made) i was like pls get me out of this Spice Girls simulator. While i was watching the final Boss girl speach towards the boss girl leader, boss girl quest givers acompanied by small army of like 17 girls and 3 dudes in the ranks where you felt likeyoure on a Taylor Swift concert, i did held a hope that atleast the last zone will bring some intteresting guy character…3 quests in and yes…you guessed it…a new troll boss girl apeared totaly saving us and totaly not willing to listen to some generic stupid troll guy about whats right and wrong. 2 more quests and youre introduced to another boss spider lady…its so obvious and too much. Alleria is the cringiest character in the game since Sylvanas left. All those super cool one-liners like Schwarzenegger in Comando. Another mary sue.

All guy characters in TWW are here just as a tool to make girls looks better, moraly right and stronger.
All guys either dies, are total incompetent morons, villains or corrupted individual on their way to become villain half way trough the story.

Look at this topic man. You get mocked for even mentioning it out…is this some censorship or woke agenda thing or what? Why is it getting flagged? Op didnt do anything flag-worthy.

Mentioning thrall that left with jaina after like 3 quests in dalaran. Bronzebeards that get bossed around by Moira as strong male characters, Anduind thats just here so we can go and save him again…other dudes are dead or villains.


I’m going to guess you’ve never actually read about how brutal the Aztec empire was. Yes, it was better, even as bad as the Spanish were.


sunday forum effect come now you’re not new here lol

This thread goes beyond your standard Sunday fare.

Please tell us more about these “degenerates”