New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

No? Dog, the electric workers are selling their labor to the electric plant in exchange for monetary resources.

They are not obligated or legally forced to come into work. If they want to quit, that’s their right and noone can force them. And they could all quit en mass if they wanted to

What ever happened to him anyway?

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They could sure. But like you already admitted, you would take issue with that. And that makes you a hypocrite.

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hes definitely in the maw.

Yeah but where?

Okay? I take issue with the lack of power, not the workers. Do you struggle to read beyond the fourth grade level?

the lack of power would be the direct result of the lack of workers…do we really need to explain cause and effect to you? in this hypothetical scenario remember the workers have all walked off the job…linemen, everyone leaving no one to maintain the power grid that you fully depend on.


Theres no way you’re real LMAO


its been played out in every facet of media for the past 4 years. its sloppy and amateur at this point.

Yes. The workers, who presumably left due to the mismanagement of the power plant.

Maybe they left because they wanted to become jugglers for their local circus? Now you have no power and you are upset. How will this problem be solved?


By men, of course.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


in Shadows Rising, Sylvanas and Nathanos had a sort of falling out after Nathanos failed in his mission. This lead to Sylvanas effectively cutting him out of her life as she pursued her new mission by entering in the Shadowlands, symbolically and literally cutting all ties to her past (un)life and left Nathanos to his own.

perhaps not realizing it at the time, Sylvanas left him for dead. So when we fought him during the prepatch, we were fighting an unhinged man with nothing left to lose.

Sylvanas only ever learned that Nathanos was both dead and held prisoner in the Maw after Tyrande made it abundantly clear.

as her penance continues, she collects souls in the Maw to free them all that they may join a new afterlife. She has yet to find Nathanos as of now, however, as his whereabouts are unknown. What’s more, we do not know how Nathanos will remain loyal to her after everything that has happened. To be continued…

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there is no statement being made of why they left, workers leave for a variety of reasons that have absolutely no barring on what’s being discussed here…do stay on target would you?

Sorry, shaming women into having babies. Wow now we are just great!

No I wouldn’t. Everyone has that choice right now, and if they chose to do it that is their prerogative. The economy would go sideways and they would all go broke. I would keep running my business and do just fine. The world allows everyone to pick their positions, and not everyone can make it in every position. I wouldn’t shame anyone for deciding to pick a different career.

It’s also a very weird and pointless mental exercise to go down that road. What a weird random accusation.

People find their meaning and duties. They do not do well with them being forced on them.

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Maybe the power plant could pay people more so as to attract more workers who will stay there instead of becoming ball jugglers? Just a thought?

just a thought buut why does the reason the workers left the job have anything to do with the hypocrisy you’ve shown in this discussion? i mean are you just incapable of that level of introspection or?

here’s a bit of help since you clearly need it…the answer is it doesn’t the reasons for them leaving the job do not factor into the consequence of them doing so with no one to fill the vacancies the power grid isn’t going to suddenly spin back to life because it came out that the workers were under paid, you’re quite literally grasping and desperately i might add at anything that can give legitimacy to your psychotic idealogy and prevent you from being exposed as what you are an unhinged hate filled hypocrite

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Wait lol is this a serious reply? Okay, you MUST be a young kid. Have you heard of literature class? Even a 1st grade writing class? My god…

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This is obvious intellectual dishonesty.

Nobody is shaming women into having babies. Calm down brother.

Yeah but i dont care about money, Juggling is more fun!


Hey don’t insult my ball handling skills.
For the Horde!