New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

She was, but Thrall wasn’t even part of the Horde for like 5 years or something. He returned in BFA to put an end to crazy war chiefs for good.

FYI, Shadowlands was an episode of Pokemon, Sylvanas and Nathanos was Jessie and James, Zovaal was Giovanni and Anduin was Pikachu.

Now listen to the song Double Trouble from the Pokemon soundtrack with the above scenario in mind.

Why did you feel the need to associate me, an individual with ideas and analyses of my own, with a public figure?
I actually doubt you took the time to read what I wrote and how it applies to the issue being discussed.
As such, I don’t identify (with anybody, politically or socially for that matter) with the figure you mentioned, nor have I insinuated that this is a contentious issue by any stretch of the imagination. It is not political, nor a religious issue (At least for those who haven’t embraced the Postmodern cult faith of dividing people into groups, which is unfortunately a global mind parasite building on and accentuating the worst of human nature).

There’s how things work in reality… And then there’s how people are gaslit by ideologically motivated indoctrination to believe it suddenly works or always has.

It just so happens, that people think individually, and that a well-written character should be effective and enjoyable REGARDLESS of their superficial characteristics.

I am male, and my sci-fan protagonist is a female :confused: just to give you my own example. I’ve never double thought about it. I just toss a cube most of the time.

Again, the disposition that leads to the “why is X character Y characteristic” is the subversive, loud minority, the unintuitive, anti-modern one. It’s a quazi-religion largely pushed in media and academia (I know because I work there). It simply HAS to be indoctrinated into, as it not part and parcel of human nature as such. If you’d like to test it yourself, merely observe the behaviour of individuals who have yet to be educated in any way, shape or form. In the vast majority of cases, children will look past superficial characteristics, and play with one another (if the other assures them they are in-fact also HUMAN, perhaps by presenting them with a toy. Snake instinct rationalized by behaviour and complex introspection AKA the Uncanny developed to address our fellow species as such - will the other that looks kinda like me but also not, attack me or play with me? If it’s “play”, then it’s a trade, and we play).

As for the characters being discussed here, it IS at least partially the case that when they are written with such a divisive ideation in mind, they will predictably end up – being divisive. I personally like the cast of TWW, and actually gave no thought to their genders until I saw these threads.
Right now I’m far more worried about some class design issues :dracthyr_lulmao: as in, things that might actually impair my enjoyment of the expansion.

I rest my case.

Enjoy TWW every1! :slight_smile: :smiling_imp: :spider: Also check out the new WarcraftStory page if you want Xal to tease your character :open_mouth: (such cool AI tech!)


The last time I recall seeing Thrall was when Sylvanas killed Saurfang and he helped Anduin carry him off. I didn’t play a whole lot after that until SL, real life took precedence at the time. Now I’m going to have to go back and watch the cinematics again. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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I noticed this too but I’m also fine with it.

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is that there is female protagonism :rage: and the is that there is female protagonism. :grinning:.

When Blizzard made female characters like Kerrigan or Tracer, they didn’t fail them, but lately they don’t trust each other because of Jaina, Tyrande and Sylvanas.

Now once again they have the opportunity if they don’t fail them, but believe me their 50/50 is becoming a vile lie that nothing has changed.

Again you’re not disproving the fact that you are posting like Jordan Peterson.

Any comment I don’t like is basically the same as the worst example of someone right or left wing I can think of.

Great discussion


I mean, yeah. When you go on a multi paragraph rant of psychobabble about how women in games make you upset… that’s pretty Jordan-Petersonesque.

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Yet to see any good story telling in modern WoW. Good try.


Those people all chose their lifes work. Freedom doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything to get by. It means you get to choose. That does t mean you get very choice, that’s ridiculous. Saying a woman gets to choose if she wants to be a mother or not doesn’t mean she gets to choose to be a billionaire without working for it.

Everyone of the people you listed has the choice to quit there job, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have to work. Acting like not getting everything for free is the equivalent to forcing women to have babies is bonkers. What are you talking about?


Psychobabble, or did they use words you dont understand, which is a fact, not everyone is on the same level linguistically speaking.

And Ive never seen anything jordan-petersonesque that even says anything about being upset at women in games, more about cleaning your room, or for the laymen, getting your own life in order before worrying about other peoples rooms or opinions.


If you think that’s bad, the second half only gets worse.

Which proves, yet again (“ironic” ~Palpatine) that you haven’t read a single word I’ve written, in either comment.
My case is only bolstered. Big oopsie for you buddie :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: Let gooo of the superficialities… and enjoy the game… :slight_smile:


Good goooood. Let the hate flow through you!

(any people with image posting rights still about who could throw in a darth sidious gif for me plz?)

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Holy Void we both thought of Sheevs there. You’re amazing. May the Force Be with You! And the Loots!

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Until its revealed later than Merrix is actually a body type 2 earthen but identifies as body type 1.

I’m not queued in on the latest outrage plot these days, all i can really reminise on is how I don’t remember this many people complaining about how the Night Elves were a matriarch. I wonder what changed in the paradigm to cause so many people to just lose their mind over this.

relax. It’s a videogame meant to be enjoyed and girl power is pretty cool.


They seem to think people are forced into their career paths instead of choosing them, it’s a deeply pathological way of thinking.

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I got you.