New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Is the content any good though? Good story, plausible transitions of power, etc?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

What about the Bronzebeard nerd, he’s sort of a guy.

The orcs may be considered masculine by people in this thread, but nobody exuded as much sheer dad energy as Khadgar.


You did see where I wrote BFA, right?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Pretty good so far and the side quests can make you cut onions.


Well he is now Deadghar


he is a safe non-entity of a man, only good for opening doors and reminding me of Steve Urkel.

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Thrall wasn’t replaced in BFA.

Thanks Fuzz!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Did he do that?

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Ya i lost it on one of the side quests.

Reminded me of a scenario with grandma and dad and i lost it.


Clearly Thrall was replaced in Legion, by my Draenei Shaman that he gave the Doomhammer to.

Which is a female Draenei.

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Yeah, that wasn’t Sylvanas that was Golden and her crusade against Toxic Masculinity. She bragged about fighting it. Look it up.

But Saurfang wasn’t just killed. He was destroyed as a character THEN killed. And with that they pretty much killed the Horde since from that point on you pretty much stop seeing the Horde as a faction present in the WoW story.

You said you haven’t played the new expansion so what follows might be considered a spoler, so stop reading here, but if you didn’t, you should know that there is no Horde in TWW so far. It’s just Thrall at the start, who is or isn’t Horde, I’m not even sure any more and he sods off. Then, nothing. You get to accompany the Dwarf leader, the Human leader and the velf leader (sort of). The Horde died with Saurfang.


All the male characters have been purposely made lame or nonexistent. WoW has always had strong female characters but I am tired of them being just another flavor of elf.


Funny enough, if all the garbage collectors that keep everything clean, all the plumbers, all the workers that maintain the roads, all the electric company workers that keep your power on, all the cops and firefighters that keep you safe , and all the ISP companies that keep you online all decided at the same time that they wanted to stop what they were doing and go experience life the way they want you people preaching about freedom from obligation would be the first to start panicking/freaking out.


As I recall, Sylvanas was warchief in BFA. I didn’t play Legion much because I despised that expac, but I am pretty certain Sylvanas was warchief in BFA.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

If it’s the one I’m thinking of that guy is a legend. Had to take a break on the quest to recompose.

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I’m gonna miss that guy.

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She was until in a heat of anger, screaming the horde is nothing, then a random forsaken gave her the side eye and she went all team rocket is blasting off again.

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Yeah i had to take a breather. It was a lot but it was a good chain.

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