New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

but they dont laugh at people who cry about women, they just get mad and make strawman arugments like “you wouldnt be saying that if she was a male character”. of which I would reply, I would and I do.

Being female doesnt give you an immunity to criticism, male or female, a bad character is a bad character, though it seems by making said character female they believe they made the character above reproach and thus put little effort in making them good.


True! Who did that happen to?

Under modern values and education; superficial, or otherwise uncontrollable constant characteristics of individuals simply don’t matter. Rather, the “content of their character” and their values do. What they represent as pertaining to human qualities, goals and ambitions… but also vices, mistakes and imperfections… All of those alone are the obvious makings of a compelling, repulsive, or complicated characters.

Abandoning putting in the effort into writing a compelling story due to trying to achieve a mystifying “New Man” notion (cherry-picking or even undermining human nature) is just futile, and morally suspicious. Misrepresenting reality, by treating minds and ideas as group representatives and inserting characters of certain groups over others out of some desire or edict for ‘justice’ (vengeance) doesn’t achieve anything but further division - instinctual tribalism, which is regressive.

If somebody cares about what the superficial details are, that’s the first indication of the problem. Instead of bickering over which group needs more characters, it’s more productive to just naturally write a variety of individual characters with human qualities – as is the way fantasy has always worked and succeeded.

Escapist entertainment is individual and universal, not tribalistic and collectivistic – because that’s how human nature also works (we share a genetic basis, but are obviously NOT a hivemind, unless we CHOOSE to be…)
It’s crucial to keep the latter set of regressive ideas (the mystifying, de-humanizing morass of post-modernism) OUT of areas which are crucial to human flourishing, in accordance with reality. Keep it human, pro-human, for human beings. We are not Ants, nor robots, aliens or deities.

If somebody wants to present their own innovative ideas, they should create a new story and independent characters through which to deliver them. The refusal, or inability to do that, in-turn, reflects on THEIR psyche as an artist (or consumer, for that matter). Under the test of reality… Well, the audience can speak for itself, and the outcome of going by anti-modern trends such as group identity proves its own de-constructiveness every day.


So far in TWW I have seen.

A presumably baddass Stormrider have to apologize to a woman and take a backseat after she gaslights him in front of all his friends.

Alleria unhinged and running away to get revenge (Sylvanus 2.0).

Just arrived in 2nd zone and female earthen from the surface is basically telling me the current male leader is an idiot and we need to usurp him so she can take over.

Anduin had a convo with Alleria where she tells him to back off so when he point out how silly she is being and he has to apologize.

Merrix, the earthen counsel leader seems to be the only male leader with any kind of influence.


But we also get strawmen of ‘I dunno someone probably complained Illidan was a man so they had to add more females, please ignore I’m what abouting in such a thread complaining a woman exists’

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I used one example, Illidan, he has always been written terribly, and most people mock him for it. Its not a strawman. Keep reaching, youll get there eventually.

Bring back our bois!
Bring back our Horde!

For that, yeah. But you said because he is male, there may of been people complaining about that.

Also FYI, Faerin Lothar is just a gender swapped Raubahn from FFXIV.


Exactly. Thank you.

This is the mark of crap writers. Because good writers have to be smart therefore assume the perspective of a smart person. A crap writer with a limited imagination will never be able to do that, so in order to make someone seem smart and remarkable they have to make everyone around those those characters dumb and unremarkable.


not him specifically, but there are people who complain endlessly about there being too many male leads, and he is lumped in the rest. your point?

Bring back our bois and make Thrall great again.
For the Horde!

I was wondering when the Jordan Peterson style post would be written


Those big bulging arms. I hope one day Virtual Reality lets me have thrall as my husband

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To be fair, I haven’t seen any of the new content, so I cannot confirm that claim in regards to TWW. However, an example before this would probably be the trolls in BFA. Thrall being replaced by Sylvanas who turned out to be manipulated by an evil entity into being so over the top bad it was laughable. She even killed Saurfang, who was one of the most masculine characters in WoW.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Frankly I pity you. Always concerned about vulnerability you have to project it even on fictional characters.

Ive completed the leveling content and all four zones that are available, and I have to say all the characters are unremarkable and one note, male and female.

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Would that tickle your pickle?

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Thrall was replaced by Garrosh in MoP who became influenced by an old god then became a multidimensional warlord.