New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Someone who gets it! Oorah!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

/pickups whip
its a word that stops us becoming Indiana johnes!

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Nothing wrong with female leads but like with male leads, they have to be well written and sadly these are not. In fact, they are comically bad, the only emotion they illicit is mirth and laughter, even when its clear they writers had other emotions in mind.

I feel like I am re-enacting the J Jonah meme with every line and cutscene.


The fact that you noticed says a lot. I bet you didn’t care when past xpacs had all male leads. But as soon as women come into the picture, it’s time to complain, right?

And here we go . . . Again.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Nope we still laugh about male leads too, especially Illidan in Legion and his “I am my scars!!!” cue edgy sad metal moment.


People forget there is a story there.

For a decent reason. That was in pre rdf days. So the story is missed as it jsut became the fave 65 to 70 xp farm. Ramps to 65, SP to 70. This is the way.

On run 100 you don’t ask why are you there. You ask…how many more till I fill these last xp bubbles lol.

Yep, that guy was good for a lot of cringe.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

hate to break it to you, most people didnt care about story pre-RDF. vanilla didnt even have an over-arching narrative, just small isolate incidents.


Illidan was not disliked because he was male. He was disliked because of his story beats. The OP is specifically complaining about the female leads in TWW because they are female. BIG difference.

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But good ones at least. Like mankrik and his wife. that actually had many not hate the miles of walking.

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Oh Im sure you could find people who hated him because he is male, which leads to the over compensation of majority female leads now. that is the real point being made. while you cry sexism pointing at shadows in the night.

Absolutely nothing, just a bunch of angry weirdos.

again, people didnt remember Mankrik because of the story, but the barrens chat meme of “wheres mankriks wife” since the quest was notoriously vague.

Big reach there, but okay. Too bad Blizz doesn’t cater to people like you anymore /shrug

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not as big of a reach as yours. though I concede, I dont have the olympic level jumping to conclusions skill you have.

And they are wrong for it, if they made a thread crying about Illidan being a man people would laugh at them. Just like when people cry about a woman existing should be laughed at as well.

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Badly written ones. A well written character, male or female, usually makes a good story, but when you make your protagonist good at everything while simultaneously making their subordinates, or the person they’re replacing incompetent goofballs, it’s just bad writing.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


I’d say that Illidan’s “I aM mY sCaRs!” is straight out of my high school notebook but I’m not sure I was even that cringey in high school.