New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

At the final raid of Shadowlands, he appeared as a small light but Sylvanas told him to go away and he disappears forever. Meanwhile, Jaina AND Uther are standing behind her and don’t say anything.

Whoever wrote that should have been fired. Repeatedly. And banned from the industry forever!

See above. Apparently, it’s ok if you stick a collar on a man and drag him around to be a pet is OK (and not only is it OK but apparently that counts as ‘redemption’).

What do you suppose would happen if you did that to a woman?

Oh, everybody would be reaching for the pitchforks wouldn’t they?


Well it’s a 3-expansions story ark. If you remember the Empire Strikes Back, everything has to go to hell in the second story. So all female leaders makes sense for good story telling.

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There’s multiple instances of slavery among men and women in this game, the Draenei being a big example of that. There were no pitchforks over it.

Oh God, it was so bad. You all are reminding me that Kaelthas is probably the best example of how the men are being treated in WoW right now. I remember that quest clearly cause it was messing with me. You’re telling me one of the most badass guys in TBC is forced to basically be dragged around in chains while this lady warden is telling him how bad he is repeatedly while we’re “fighting his demons.” Like seriously, it was so in your face about it…

Now I’m angry. I hate Blizzard. :neutral_face:


I don’t recall seeing a woman being made into a pet and being drug around on a leash, but ok. If you say so I guess?

Just sticking people in cages that you gotta bust open as part of a quest doesn’t count.


My guy there is literally an entire dungeon named “Slave Pens”. Do you even play this game?

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Yeah, but they don’t actively show you any slavery going on except for the broken (who are all men) swinging pickaxes at a wall.

But with Kael’thas, they show a female warden dragging him around going on about how he was “a bad man”, lol.

I aM a SiMpL Ind’PeNdt MaLe
NeEd FeMaL tElL mE wHa Do
CaN’t ThInK fEr Self
Am JuSt DrIvEn By BaSiC iNsTiCt
MiNd VeRy ClOsEd
ChAnGe ScArY
FeMaLe AlL bE lEaDeR, mAlE 2 dUmB
MaLe Is PeT pLz DoNt FoRgEt FeEd Or DiE hElPlEsS

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Is that Legion quest still in the game where the imp mother captures Aethas Sunreaver and we find him stripped naked and tied up while the imp mother and harpy argue whose “toy” he is?

Bet it is.


…i’m gonna go with…me not that kind of orc

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OMG could you IMAGINE if they had a woman in her skivvies tied down with a guy making sexually suggestive comments at her?

It would be crazy if there was a raid where there were some women forced to fight in a dog match for their children. Would also be upset if they said other things happened, right? Haha, like could you imagine something like that. Least it’s not being a soul being given a second chance like all the others.


I don’t know, being dragged around in chains sounds inter . . . Bad, it’s just bad, very bad. :flushed:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Yeah that’d be crazy

The birth of Garona was orchestrated by Gul’dan, who “bred” one of his orcish warriors to a draenei female.

Why do you keep pointing at things that was done off-camera and before WoW was even a thing in response to us pointing out things that are shown IN-GAME?

Need more Varian characters ASAP

specially bad, if theres no safe word…

What’s a safe word? :smiling_imp:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

safe word is oorah…jsut it doesn’t mean stop rofl it means safe to go further

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