New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Not only are all the leads female but most are boring as hell. All that boasting just to give us more of the same crappy storytelling. I really need to give up on blizz


Azshara got away and Jaina never struggled. She literally Superman surrendered herself in BFA. Nothing bad ever happens to that woman. Just like all the women so far.

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Californian here too.

You’re right, but there is a much larger concentration of such people here than most of the rest of the US.

Which has had a noticeable negative effect on Blizzard.

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They were hardly inept, lol.

They actually had a pretty good control on things, until we showed up, being the mary sues that we are.

And look at Dragonflight…

Reds: Alextrasza. Girl.
Green: Melisthra. Girl.

Blacks: Wrathion and Sebellion. Constantly bickering too much to be effective rulers until you, the PC, finally bash their heads together and they decide to elect Abyssian to be their leader. We’ll see if he actually DOES anything as leader or if they kill him off too.

Bronze: Nozdormu is probably one of the most inept of the whole bunch, needing Chromie to save everything constantly.

Blues: Pretty sure Saragosa is more of their leader than whats-his-face, because I barely see him, it’s always Saragosa asking you to do stuff.

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The negative effect on Blizzard is the hive mind on twitter and substack.

And those voices come from all over.

out of curiousity…why do you feel as tho the only male characters in the game should all be essentially tropes of wounded, or inept males…nothing wrong with giving the women teh spotlight…but that can be done without turning anduin into a walking trope of a veteran suffering from CSR, or turning magni into a trope of a deadbeat absentee father just to give some examples


Whenever there’s a male leader, in reality, he’s not doing anything. It’s the woman behind him. As soon as they brought Saragosa back and made her black, she got control real fast. It was so predictable.


It’s just crippling insecurity. You all feel increasingly useless out in the real world. So when you see in your vidya that a male character has follies and problems like anyone else - you just can’t handle it because it reminds you of yourself.

Heck, the other day I was doing the human heritage armor and fricken Vanessa VanCleef got a redemption arc, it’s like…

OK, female villains are fine.

But… could we have a humanoid female villain that we kill, like, for realsies kill, and they not go “but I was being manipulated / I had to / whatever” at the end? Who was just plain evil hands-down?

sooo as i expected nothing of substance then? just blind assumptions used to justify your deep seated hatred and resentment for men…look i’m sorry for whatever trauma you suffered at the hands of a pitiful excuse for a man that filled you with such a deep loathing…i do sincerely hope you one day get some actual help for it because allowing hatred to consume every fiber of your being as you have is just horribly unhealthy


I would consider Anduin an honorary woman honestly.


I don’t really understand why this is such a big deal for you when this game has genuinely never just killed off villains and they stayed dead, regardless of gender. It’s like an ongoing thing at this point that villains are constantly recycled, brought back, killed again, given redemption arcs, etc. It’s always been like this.

Dude… you’ve made some good points but I think you’re going overboard.

Listen to HAL.

Who is us? You are the only one asking me this. And what’s so unclear about that statement? Traits that are typical to men and atypical to women. Of course there are exceptions, but right now, the exception has become the rule. And I’m not sure what the point of this is. To inspire women? Or is it simply cause the writers are so bad they can’t actually write a character with more typical traits. Because I’m leaning towards the latter based on what I’ve seen. A good writer knows how to create a remarkable character who distinguishes him or herself through their own actions. A bad one will make a character seem smarter, or better than everyone else by turning everyone else stupid as hell and that’s what I’ve been seeing.


Was the Jailer ever given a redemption arc?
How about Sargeras?
Any of the Old gods (which were referred to by male pronouns and had male voices)?


Yeah…see the issue is he has lots of advisors, male, who have been there.

Shaw, genn, turalyon. They’ve seen things. Hell shaw made Si:7 so robotic in nature when he got captured and the dreadlord was making bad orders no one questioned.

He owns that. Si:7 became the unwitting agents of the legion for one simple reason.

He had no 2nds in command who questioned orders, no matter how stupid or off. He didn’t order that stuff, yes. But he owns that he made an organization that will even follow freaky orders from a shaw dreadlord clone without hesistation. But he moved on from that.

Technically, Kael was, but the female warden in Revendeth who who was responsible for him basically had us treating him like a pet through his redemption.

Bad man. You’re going to be our pet who we drag around and humiliate.

So it was even worse.

Arthas was probably the biggest slap in the face of what they did to him in Shadowlands.

I can’t even remember what they did to Arthas in Shadowlands. Most of SL was a blur because to be quite honest, I couldn’t find any fuel to care about half of its story lol

gotta admit, WoW was better when we had characters like that.

Coming from my own experience in life, I had a REAL rough upbringing and I never got depressed. I ate that sh!t up over came it. Probably why its so annoying everyone in game now is sensitive and depressed all the time. Like I get it about anduin but come on man be like your dad. Everyone loved his dad. Nobody likes this Anduin


He actually was given a redemption arc in Shadowlands.