New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Declining birth rates leads to less people being born…and people will die…also leading to less population. I’m sad that I have to explain this to you.

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sad…but are you really surprised?

“It’s not slated to decrease for another 60 to 80 years”

OK, well with Climate Change, it’s not supposed to be a problem for another 50-80 years, so why worry about that, either?

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I don’t know what everyone’s problem is. Personally, I’m excited to see the power of one, the power of two, the power of many come to World of Warcraft.

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I guess War Within is for “modern audiences”. I seen in Dragonflight already allot female characters that lead you around on many quests.

Well I’m off again. Maybe this time you’ll all accomplish… whatever it is you’re all trying to do here.

Eventually we could possibly have a declining population, but not likely until we hit about 11 billion people. Then we will hit homeostasis and might start to decline , but even the census think we would likely only decline a bit then flatten out.

You were wrong when you said the population is declining. Just admit it.

It was sarcasm. I served but did not do combat. I got out before the sandbox tours began.

I was advocating full draft…to be compliant EEO 100% lol. Some on that side of debate I think don’t know all that comes with 100% was the basis to the sarcasm.

My list was made for someone a year ago who said a similar thing as you that there were male leaders. I responded by showing that the male leaders were not actually leading anything, and that it was mostly females in charge. It was like this heavily in Shadowlands to the point it was frustrating. Then we saw it kept like that in Dragonflight. And now here, it’s ten times worse.


What if the moon were made of cheese?

Noone really won World War 1. All it did was kill a bunch of men over nationalism and destabilize Europe into the second one, where a certain Austrian decided he wanted so much murder.

Yeah, I started noticing it back in SL too, or heck even somewhat BfA when everything was just Sylvanas and Jaina.

EDIT: Those lists like to mention Rastakhan as being the leader of the Zandalari while ignoring the fact Talanji got 10x the screen time. For all intents and purposes, Talanji was the leader.

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Also because of the rampant sexual assault issues but ssssh that’s totally overblown

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I have a big bone to pick about Talanji, but they had to make sure they kill off her father. She’s the poster child for what’s happening throughout WoW.


And did you also notice the fact that Rastakhan was inept?

Like the dude literally sat on his throne, and was blind, oblivious, and ignorant to half of what was happening in his own kingdom and his daughter had to step up and save him?

If Rastakhan hadn’t been killed by the Alliance, he woulda been assassinated by his own tribe if his daughter hadn’t spared him that fate.

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Old king is old and inept? Why, surely this isn’t a trope that’s been around since Arthurian times! It must be the work of the D.E.I. Wokester

they even had to retcon him back to life for that…remember he originally died when deathwing poped up all like “burn!” at the start of cata

Yeah, but how often does the old inept king have to be saved by a girl?

Pretty sure, it was usually the prince who does that. Not the princess.

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Because he had a daughter instead of a son? And half of the campaign of Zandalar is fighting against his long time trusted advisors who have become corrupt.

This makes sense, but it doesn’t make sense if you’ve barely had any friends and have never seen them grow into horrible people or betray you.

You’re kinda missing the whole point, lol.

Like, it’s getting to the point if my eyes roll any further, they’re gonna end up 10 feet behind me.

Are you completely oblivious to how they are making all the male rulers inept, wussified, and just generally ineffective and making it so the only rulers who know how to get crap done, are the female ones?

The guys who DID know how to get crap done, are all dead now.

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The expac where we also deposed the inept immortal fish queen Azshara? And the inept would-be-queen of Boralus, Ashvane?

The expac where Jaina struggled instead of just bodying everyone right away? That same expac?