New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

It’s not from women, as the responses to this show.

It reminds me of this one quote.

“Just find a woman you hate and buy her a house”

Yeah, but if the birth rates keep dropping, then there will be a point where it will flip to where the birth rate won’t keep up with the population and the population will decrease.

Let’s say the annual death rate is 500 people out of a population of 100k.

If 100k people have a 1% birth rate, then that’s 1k people being born.
If 200k people have a 0.5% birth rate, then that’s still 1k people being born.
If 300k people have a 0.25% birth rate, then that’s 750 people being born.
If 400k people have a 0.125% birth rate, then that’s 500 people being born.

At this point, the population stagnates, barely breaking even. If the birth rate goes down any further, the death rate will exceed the birth rate.

EDIT: That is assuming the death rate remains at 500, which wouldn’t be the case. As population goes up, you’d think the death rate would go up as well.

I literally said fertility rates are dropping due to certain ideologies and economic conditions. Your own data AND your own statement said that birth rate is going down. So declining birth rates in the world leads to…lower population over time. Do you think people are born using force rituals like that star wars show? You can say I’m “just wrong” over and over but your own data and own statement just proved I’m right. Thanks for the support.


One of the only countries slated for increase is Africa actually.

I remember when diversity was diverse. Now, diversity is extremely homogeneous. Seems like there are fewer and fewer boxes to check these days.


I stepped away for a minute.

Have you guys and girls solved all the world’s sociopolitical issues by screaming at each other yet?

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Nope not yet. Go back to posting gifs. Thank you.

we’ve moved back to solving them all by fire…and catapult

No, but meanwhile my playlist landed on an awesome tune.

What is so bad about serving now and why?

As some say…its just pulling a trigger.

OKay…lets work off that. Females can pull the trigger too.

Noting I served. There are women women who could hang with the boys.

I’d just like to see full EEO reactions on the day thier daughter gets sent to 4th battalion Parris island for 3 months. With a bus trip to SOI (school of infantry) in Camp Lejeune right after it.

See my dad got lucky when his number came up for Vietnam. When his number was called he had a choice. Army or Marines. He chose army.

When the Army slots filled up…the rest all won a free trip to Parris Island.

I went there of my own free will when I joined late 90s’s lol.

I haven’t played much FFXIV but I feel confident saying this is the best track in it:

Because most of the conflicts we get sent to have nothing to do with us and everything to do with us sticking our noses where they aren’t wanted or needed?

I remember reading about a time when our military fought wars that mattered to us that were of great import.

Now we manufacture weapons, send them to dubious people in the Middle East and then when they inevitably turn these weapons against our allies then we gotta step in and fight in their defense, lol

Can you give me an example?

you said
“You…haven’t done any research at all have you. The population is decreasing and is slated to decrease.”

It is not decreasing. It is not slated to decrease for another 60 to 80 years.

Have you been in combat? It’s much more than pulling a trigger. Emotions get involved. There’s a reason men and women aren’t in the infantry together. Too much risk during the down time and in combat it clouds men’s judgement by wanting to keep the women safe instead of focusing on the objective. It’s instinct.


How about… the “War on Terror”?

We sold the Middle East weapons, they go rogue, we go in and kill the guy keeping the whole region under control, their response for our meddling is to ram planes into buildings killing thousands, so we go on a roaring rampage of revenge for years and years, because of something we started, lol

i got nothing else to add.