New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I’d argue that pay is another factor. We have an abundance of low-labor people that it’s hard to get a job in such a position, but the Trades are always in high demand, because there’s not enough Trades to go around and so they pay really well and they’re just following money and opportunity.


There’s also a worrying and disgusting trend of bad trades companies springing up, shoddy construction, non-code compliant work being done, etc.

Not saying this is the fault of women, but the sudden uptick in people (men AND women) wanting to be tradespeople for money and not because they love trades, is probably a big part of that.

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Yup the liberal ideologies from people like that crazy feminist in here earlier saying men shouldn’t exist isn’t helping with population rates.

It’s because a huge chunk of men are noodle-arms who can’t even do basic home repairs. Tbh the best benefit of going into trade is all the women who longingly look at you while you fix their broken stuff infront of their soy spouses.

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Most men didn’t either. Am I supposed to want people to die in war or something?

I know exactly what you mean.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Yep military gets the same luv.

Nobody wants to die in war.

However, sometimes, wars are unavoidable.

My question to you, is if you replaced all of the men with women in the WWI trenches, do you think we would have had a snowball’s chance in Hell of actually winning that war?



Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Of course not, but there is a significant practice of overwhelmingly sending sons to die in comparison to daughters.

Not saying Woman have things better but both sexes suffer very different problems.

I mean how can they focus on fighting when they’re too busy focusing on exchanging casserole recipes ya know? (and yes that was a joke I feel like I have to say that here).

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Speaking of equality…try talking about extending the draft to women and see how much backlash that gets.


meanwhile men like me:
“'Ey Yo ricky, wanna have some chips i made out of that weird junk from the spam can?”

Johnny Depp is a prime example and victim of this toxic feminism BS.


and thus ecoli was born

oi i cook my food!
i made chips outta cheese few days ago!

I really do agree with this. Women often use the “my body my choice” and argue men don’t have their laws governing their bodies but men have been forced to fight in wars. It’s terribly disrespectful to disregard that or say that men don’t have these problems.


I watched bits and pieces of that trial and dear God the horrors that man had to endure…


Makes me not wanna get married, lol.


Biden got a lot of it when he was talking about it. Huge backlash. And I was one of those that spoke out against it. I have 6 daughters and 3 sons, all my sons serve, none of my daughters have, and one is still under 26. I would not want any of my daughters to have to go to war, or even serve in the military. I even tried talking my sons out of serving.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

haha…HAHAHA. Oh man you are reading USA info and thinking it is about the world, and reading it wrong. Ok I’ll play.

You are misreading so much here it is pretty funny. Ok on the US census website article from nov 9th 2023. “US population projected to reach high of neary 370 billion in 2080 then beging to decline to 366 in 2100.”

Here are the numbers straight from the excel sheet on the census website for projected 2025 through 2030. numbers are in thousands.

Native Born
Population Numeric change Percent change
2024 286,804
287,859 1,055 0.37
288,876 1,017 0.35
289,854 978 0.34
290,798 944 0.33
291,707 909 0.31
292,580 873 0.30
293,415 835 0.29
294,212 797 0.27

The birth rate by increase is going down, but we have a lot more people so the total population is still going up. Also people are living longer so we are continuing to trend up.

If you look at the data set under table 8 projected population by nativity they expect the total increase to continue through 2080, and currently rate it at .37% increase. So we are going up by about 1.055 million per year of native born people. That is population rate increase without immigration, not just birth rate.

But again that is just the USA. World wide their data sets are more integrated into their site but you can go to the site then just add /popclock/ at the end of it and it will show you a counter of the world population.

It’s going up.

No wonder you guys are freaking out about this. You have no idea what you are talking about. How about the unfpa the UN population fund. They project we will hit 11 billion people by the end of the 21st centry and that even worst case they don’t expect population to even possibly start to go down till 2055, their median expectation is that it won’t for the rest of the century.

You are just flat out wrong. The population of the planet is still rising, the birth rate by net gain is decreasing especially in places that are developed countries. Just wrong.

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I served as well but there’s no way I would serve under this administration and current status of the military. And before people mention left vs right I also served while Obama was in at some point but it wasn’t as bad back then as it is now.

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