New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

because without men, our civilization dies. Men are a part of our existence. Ignoring them doesn’t fix anything.

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Yep. All I’ve been able to find is a lot of whataboutism as far as population declines. There’s increases and declines everywhere all the time. It all depends on where you live and the conditions you live under. The official UN page on it states that the global population as a whole will continue increasing.

“Worldometers” huh? Seriously? I’m going off of census data and other research institutes. Pew Research has an article on it. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation says there’s a rapid decline in fertility rates leading to population decline. Yet you’re going to come in here with “worldometers.” Lmao. Even you say it’s a weird site. Try harder.

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This is a fantasy game. They don’t need men.

Because, who would they kill off?


That is one country. The United States is not the planet and does not represent all of humanity or it’s ability to survive.

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We need our men!
We need our Horde!

Make Thrall great again!!


“90% of the time you call for a tradesperson, it’s going to be a man”.

and 90% of the time you call for a Nurse, it’s going to be a woman.

And who but men would actually do the fighting?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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I never said otherwise.

Men need women and women need men. News at 6.

EDIT: And if you scroll up some 500 posts you’ll see that I said that men excel at certain things, and women excel at certain things.

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I suppose that’s the only reason to keep any around. For fodder

we mostly use horde leaders for fodder.

Idk about that, woman can fight. Ever tried to take your wife’s cheesecake before. Let me tell you what, thats the equivelent of a nuclear bomb exploding.

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Bonus dei points for disabled ones.

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Throwing a tantrum is a wee bit different than hunkering down in a trench with bullets whizzing by your head and having to sleep half submerged in muddy water while half starving to death.

Do you honestly think women could have survived the WWI trenches?

Nah, my wife is pretty cool, she insists on sharing everything. Although I have noticed that her slices of cheesecake are bigger than mine . . .

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


“The wind’s will change before you know it, a new climate will instead take hold.” Oh well… :man_shrugging: pendulum is shifting it seems.

not sure i’d call it population decline since immigration is being used to reduce the impact but as per cdc data between 2007 and 2022 birthrates dropped from 14/1k people to 11/1k people a 23% reduction…breaking down the data a little more we’re at roughly 1.7 live births per woman…this puts us below replacement level which is 2.1 live births per which absolutely backs up the claim that was made that the more progressive or liberal minded ideologies are going to be gone within 2 generations as a result of declining birth rates and increased immigration of people from much more conservative cultures.

it is worth noting tho that this is something occuring exclusively in the west the overall population trend globally is rapidly increasing

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I havent followed the whole conversation but some interesting statistic I read years ago basically said equal opportunity doesnt equate to equal rates of employment in regards to biological sex.

So while certain genders may feel oppressed if they arent allowed a certain job, once it is allowed they show record low interest and overwhelmingly prefer desk or medical jobs. (Mostly non labor)

But there has been an uptick in woman applying for labor jobs lately such as construction worker,mechanic,electrician and the like.

I have a theory that its because these skills are also useful at home and people want to feel more in control of their surroundings and what is closest to them.

probably about as well as men did tbh. We try to act like there wasn’t hordes of draft dodgers, and the like.