New Wrathion Quest requirments

Just to add to the data collection, I have N’Zoth’s ugly eye headband on. My heart level is 60. I have done all the prior quests and killed Azshara. I finished the latest part of the war campaign. I got this quest.

My friend who has all of the above except: no ugly eye headband and hasn’t completed the war campaign, can’t see the quest.

The only 120 that can see the quest is my alliance priest and she only did lfr kill King Rastakhan for war campaign. She has less progress than my main. Her heart is only 56 and hasn’t finish war campaign either. The quest my alliance priest got was just to return to the chamber, not the one needed for Wrathion.

But found out need to either kill Azshara or do Circle of Stars. I did everything else and queued lfr Circle of Stars, got achievement and then Earthen Guardian had quest.

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Gunna sit in LFR for Aszhara for an hour and then try the fight for another 2… Then get back to this after I kill her again.

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My friend isn’t able to get it either.

I got the quest, but not her.

We’re equal on all the requirements and after seeing the various AP levels here, it’s not that. So, I don’t know what to do now.

We both have the eye headband, we both have exalted with Champs, we both completed the war campaign, we both completed Azshara, we both completed Xala’tath, we both completed the Dragons to date (up to red dragonflight).
I’m at +63 and she’s at +60. So it’s not that quest-line for +64 that’s blocking it.

We’ve done everything the same but I get Whispers of N’zoth quest and she doesn’t.

Void selection?

My son had the quest but I did not. I hadn’t done the eternal palace raid yet so we went ahead and did that and when we got done Kalegos was in the chamber and the quest had popped up.

Its prob gated behind killing azshara but it would be nice to get a blue to clarify this.

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Nope. I killed Azshara on my Horde pally but still no quest.

Sigh…well its patchday so i guess something had to break…


Yeah - something definitely had to break. Just did everything else, including the Lilian Voss quest with my friend and still no quest.

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quick question for the people who can and cannot did you do the quest to clear n’zoth gift?

wasn’t there for me an hour ago

It’s not there for some that have gotten rid of the eye or even for those that have the eye. One of my characters has the quest (with the eye) and another doesn’t (without the eye). So yeah. Don’t think it’s the eye. They just bumped a hotfix, hopefully that works.

Update didnt fix anything. :frowning:

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I believe it is important to review the POSSIBLE pre-reqs for this quest.

  1. Heart of Azeroth Level - This does not appear to gate the quest as anecdotal evidence indicates players from level 56 to level 66 heart are able to accept it.
  2. Champions of Azeroth Rep- I am not sure if anyone without exalted COA has been able to do this quest line. Can someone confirm they did the quest without being exalted?
  3. Eternal Palace Raid - I spoke to a GM today and they confirmed to me that a prerequesite for the quest is “doing the eternal palace raid” and said “i dont see why not” when asked if LFR counts. This is the only confirmed information I have from blizzard. (anecdotally, I have a character that has cleared EP on LFR. That character does not have the quest available)
  4. War Campaign - I am not sure if you must progress your war campaign up to and including the Orgrimmar quests released the day of 8.2.5 patch. It would be helpful to get more clarity. Has anyone been able to do the quest without completing the war campaign thru the Orgrimmar quests?

do /reload
after the final war campaign, should work

Doesnt’ work. :frowning:

thank you for your help, i have logged in and out an uncountable amount of times after completing the Orgrimmar war campaign quests and I am unable to accept any magni/hoa/wrathion-related quests


He was there for me (on a toon with a 62 neck), and I was able to do his red dragonflight quest chain, and then nothing. Logging in and out made no difference–still nothing to get me going on Wrathion.

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I hope a blue responds in here soon :confused: there’s no quest for me either…

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62 HoA, Azshara done, no Gift, War done. Quest is available for me from an NPC by the Boralus shredder.