New WoW Job Openings at Blizzard

Whoever gets this job is going to regret it when they meet the PvP community.

That’s good news. Would be better if they weren’t in CA though.

If you go to the jobs page you will see that there are a number of positions outside California, even a fair few international positions.

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That’s some premium copium.

Problem is are they just going to hire for the sake of it. This either a good or bad thing, but regardless we gotta embrace this change together…as a family!

If they fired Ion, I bet they would get a TONNNN of applicants.

But then again, it’s California, where one’s Income basically has to be TRIPLE that of every other state, besides New York of course, just to make rent in a 1 bedroom apt.

THe girl that was working on Diablo 2 was the head of the company that is now doing Diablo 2 as in charge of the company . So she has actual experience in the business but if you actually knew how to read stuff you would of already known that .

Her experience prior to being made an Executive VP at Blizz


Company NameVicarious Visions

Total Duration13 yrs


  • TitleStudio Head

Dates EmployedApr 2016 – Jan 2021

Employment Duration4 yrs 10 mos

  • TitleSr. Executive Producer

Dates EmployedFeb 2008 – Mar 2016

Employment Duration8 yrs 2 mos

Games developed by Vicarious visions

Oh and as co presidents of Blizzard neither one will be working on any games . It is not their jobs .

If i had bliz on my resume id burn it, its like working for a bank, who wants to be known for that?

…I grew up in Fresno, and have lived there for over 20 years, and now is the first time I’ve ever heard about a Blizzard campus in Fresno — after I’ve moved away! :woman_facepalming:t3:

expanding the team…perfect!! :slight_smile:

looks like the new leads asked what some of the issues with the game were, and the devs spoke honestly.

I hope each class will get its own dedicated dev :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Except that all of the above listings have been posted and reposted for months.
Leadership change had nothing to do with it.

Asmondgoof has no chance at any of these jobs except for associate coffee bringer.

For now, but I can assure Mike Ybarra will talk to Ion on the side.

That’s cool.

If their respective past positions had them talking and consulting for any length of time then most likely.

you don’t work there, so honestly i don’t have to believe you. :slight_smile: (which i don’t)

And your talent won’t matter, what’s between your legs and skin tone are king when it comes to hiring at blizzard now.

He doesn’t need to because he promotes their product to gather new players, but as of right now they blew that chance until they can make WoW worthy again. Technically FFXIV gained more players because of his transitioning towards FFXIV and nothing, but positive feedback with the package. If Blizzard want that energy to return they gotta do good changes to the game.

The past is the past. This is a new era for Blizzard right now and since Mike is practically a hardcore WoW player in the top 3%. I am certain he’ll converse with Ion with no problem.

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I’m a little surprised - the associate game director position is asking for 8+ years of experience….

Doesn’t that seem excessive for an associate level position?

  1. you have no idea who you are talking to on these forums so assuming anything is always a bad idea, but for the record no i do not.
  2. i have been following the job board for the last 10 months so I know exactly when and how often these listings have been posted. Each posting has a post date on it.

Check them yourself. https //careers blizzard com/global/en/search-results