New WoW Job Openings at Blizzard

I could totally do JAB job. I’ll wear a long haired wig, Google some top feminist quotes to print out and staple around my office and wear as many pride pins as needed.


Reading is hard…

The links I meant to share:

https //flic kr/p/2mff946

https //flic kr/p/2mfkayB

No need to be a rude jerk, i read it after i posted. My point still stands however, they really need to replace some people on the wow dev team, writters and the likes.

no wonder this patch is kinda meh. 25 important positions simply not filled LUL

It’s been pointed out several times that the new job openings are for “new positions, not replacements.”

Shame I don’t live near California… NPC to Blizzard dev, quite a promotion…

There are campuses across the country. Also there is a work from home moratorium in place until next March which may be extended further with the recent covid issues.

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Its interesting that they have a design job available in Sydney. You would think the design stuff would be happening at Irvine or other US locations, not all the way down here in Oz.

Senior Software Engineer, Engine - World of Warcraft job in Pyrmont, New South Wales, Australia | Engineering jobs at Blizzard Entertainment

I feel like sending the Pyrmont office a note and suggesting they put some Tasmanian Devils into the software. Replace a few of those boars and rabbits with some really aggro beasts… :sunglasses:


Kappa /10 chars

See, the Co-leaders aren’t bad, they’re already putting in work!

That is going to be interesting.

Hopefully they get some good talent in that can offer some great ideas as to how they can improve the game.

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All of the above positions were listed before the leadership change was made.

edit - actually most of them are, as I mentioned earlier, perennial postings though some have had multiple listings posted in the last few months that are more than normal but still all listed before the change.

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Well you’re not wrong considering the spotty internet service between OCE and US mainland.

We have a decent internet connection between us and the US - its the local NBN thats lousy.

Ah, I see. I was only going by old AUS guildies constantly complaining about the lag. :slight_smile:

Blizzard always has openings tho…

It’s the way you have no idea wtf you’re talking about for me.

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They need more than 1 tuning hire.

Lag is a term that covers a lot of issues and caused by a lot of difference problems, not necessarily all related to an internet connection. An example would be the issues we had on Oceanic in BfA where we would have repeated and longterm lag across all the BfA zones. It would sometimes take 2-3 seconds or more to fight, pick a node or loot a body, while around us the mobs and beasts didn’t seem to suffer from the same delay. That issue seemed related to the systems in use in the game at that time. After contributing to a very large post on the Oceanic forum about the problem, I actually had a GM contact me during to play to watch my character and assess what was happening. So it wasnt our connection or our computers, it was a game problem which the GM admitted to, but couldnt give me an answer because he was there to try and figure it out.