New WoW Job Openings at Blizzard

Blizzard is looking for new members to join the Warcraft team. According to the latest job openings, there are at least 20 open positions.

The World of Warcraft team is looking for new blood it seems. Reddit user UrNerd discovered at least 20 job openings. You can find a full list below."

So this is the list of NEW job openings for the WoW team
Software Engineer, Engine Tools - World of Warcraft

Class/Combat Designer - World of Warcraft

Game Designer, PvP Content - World of Warcraft

Class/Combat Designer, Tuning - World of Warcraft

Senior Software Engineer, Engine - World of Warcraft

Mid/Senior Encounter Designer - World of Warcraft

Senior Technical Artist - World of Warcraft

Knowledge Manager - World of Warcraft

Software Engineer, Engine - World of Warcraft

Content Designer - World of Warcraft

Sound Designer - World of Warcraft

Quest Designer - World of Warcraft

Principal Game Designer - World of Warcraft

Senior Visual Development Artist, Environments – World of Warcraft

Senior Software Engineer, Tools (Server) - World of Warcraft

Senior Software Engineer, WoW Classic - World of Warcraft

Technical Designer - World of Warcraft Classic

Associate Game Producer, Engineering - World of Warcraft

Associate Production Director - World of Warcraft

Associate Game Director - World of Warcraft

According to Game Designer Brian Holinka, the new job openings are for new positions, not replacements.

Information is from an hour ago via Icy-Veins


Good. They need to replace the wow team. Can we add the writers in the mix as well? And maybe certain lead dev there…


Well, that is a good sign at least.

Just filled all vacancies for that position as of July 30.

Also these are just the listings for the Irvine campus from me just scanning the list. this doesn’t appear to include the Fresno, NYC, Minneapolis, and Austin campuses.

I got it from Icy-Veins an hour ago.

Ok, I’m just telling you what I know based on what I know. This post is out dated and limited to Irvine campus. :woman_shrugging:

Well, Blizzard Headquarters is Irvine, CA…However, this looks like great news for the future development of WoW to me and I might resub later now.

Are these really new though? There are always a plethora of jobs open at Blizzard.

I think they need a nurse for the office! I wonder if they have an in house clinic for staff like some businesses do.

The Associate Game Director position is still up on their website and others.

There’s noting to do with narrative design so it doesn’t look like there’s anything in there for me. Sad.

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The job title of associate game director means blizzard won’t fix WoW:

“Never be on the WoW team and then just come and direct it”

It can take 30 years to become the CEO of a corporation, climbing the ladder to perform all the job duties of optional roll, but just randomly employing a girl that worked on Diablo 2: Remastered and a guy from Xbox to just become president shows that the company isn’t one of AAA integrity

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They couldn’t pay me enough to work there.

Uhh anyone in the know aren’t going anywhere near Blizzard at this stage.

Is there a associate position for lead 80’s catch phrase dude? Cuz if there is I’ll be back…to apply for it.

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What a dog poop take this is.


Wait, this is actually a cool job to apply for. Disregard last. Everything’s coming up Joyeuse lmfao.

Most of these listings are perennial. A select few have had more than usual multiple listings pop up over the last 6 months.

Don’t most of the game-specific jobs perform functions that they have told us are working as intended and need no improvement?

30 years, sometimes true. With the same company? Once he’s on top that guy can write his own ticket.

What a dog poop take this is.

Activision-Blizzard is giving out meaningless job titles and wrecking their own games up in the process

They can’t just higher someone at random outside the company who has a deep passion for angry birds and hello kitty island adventure, and then just direct World of Warcraft, and even Blizzard Entertainment

It’s why the Shadowlands story/lore/systems currency is so broken

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