New WoW Job Openings at Blizzard

Wow that’s actually great news. Now we just need to get rid of Danuser.

it wasn’t an assumption, i knew you don’t work there. don’t take it so personally though - you can always apply right? :rofl:

I took nothing personal. Sad is the angry individual that would take something said on these forums personal.

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Is it just me… or is 8 years abnormal experience request for an associate position?

Some businesses do that on purpose.

When they intentionally over-require the qualifications on a job position, what they’re doing is they want to see who’s bold enough to apply anyway.

Mind you, not all companies do this. But many do.

Source: My dad used to be the director for an education camp. He used this trick in the job openings. He said it’s a decent way to sort between applications early on.

seems like every post I read from you is arguing and defending yourself and talking about personal attacks etc.

If everywhere you go there is a problem… hmm, wonder what that means.

Who is arguing or defending anything. And why are you following me?

I’m not. You post in every thread usually disgruntled with how other people are treating you.

It’s pathetic.

Ah. So nothing to read into then.

I was wondering if it meant they were looking for someone they could groom into Ions replacement.

Everything was fine in this thread until you came in and started stirring things. We’re done now.

for someone that bashes and thrashes WoW, its kinda weird you keep up with job position listings at Blizzard, as if you are hoping someone’s position gets posted on there.

lol, in comes Clark the great “Blizzard can do no wrong” white knight who feels that anyone that has any sort of disagreement with the game is bashing and thrashing WoW. Everyone knows your reputation here already.

watch out she’ll start screaming “PERSONAL ATTACKS!”

there is no problem with people who actually give feedback, fully detailed, without insult or sneer remarks

there is an issue when majority of those said threads are mostly “fire Ion!” or some sort, without giving any info and pretend thats “high quality feedback”

I have NEVER said fire Ion or ANYONE for that matter. You really need to get your facts straight before accusing people publicly. Nor have I ever personally attacked or insulted anyone on staff. Check my activity and you’ll actually find much to the contrary.

neither did I becuase I wasn’t saying you directly insulted blizzard devs, so im not sure why you’re on the defensive

my point still stands, majority of the “feedback” is mostly “fire ion!” or “SL sucks lul FFXIV better bye” threads

It was implied by your responses.

I will again point out that this topic thread was perfectly fine until you two dropped by and started stirring personal drama.

We’re done here now.

None of them gonna direct WoW or the games.

Pretty sure such high ranking people don’t decide this stuff, that’s the game developing team.