New World of Warcraft Survey

I think they should make any change an event first. If people no like, they no do? yes?

As far as I remember the rogue hall was the only one physically located in Dalaran, the rest were portals to elsewhere.

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yes yes ye yes


Mages have a class hall in Dalaran too!


Answered it… My answers are probably the opposite of most people’s.

I never get any surveys :frowning:

Wish I could see what this one is exactly


you hate having more content then

It didn’t really ask me that. A lot of the same question over and over on what was more interesting and less interesting.

I would love this. The Class Order Halls were one of my favourite parts of Legion. I spent a lot of time in that Mage hall. I would love it if they came back/were updated. Heh, and add one for Evokers. :slight_smile:

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imo they should have been a mainstay for every expansion after legion. if not background , and get a focus whenever huge world ending apocalyptic wars happen like midnight


If it makes you feel any better, neither do I. I only ever hear about em from everyone else. :frowning:

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Yeah, probably a hot take, but I’d go so far as to base initial quests around a class order hall to define class identity - e.g., when making a new toon. I really enjoyed feeling more connected to my class, the lore, the NPCs. I think the class you pick can be much more meaningful than the faction, because the way we experience the game world is through our class.


100% agree. My favorite part of legion was the class hall because it defined class identity. It really did make my class choice feel more meaningful.


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The Odrer Halls were just tedium based on borrowed power and time gating.

All they did was make us the special snowflake surrounded by the same 500 other special snowflakes and make us wait for Follower Missions.

This sentiment was correct:

I voted absolutely not to Class Order Halls coming back. I don’t need a time gated borrowed power system where I cannot get the entire storyline without running every single class.

Be honest I loved the druid class hall it was awesome.

Thanks for sharing! I’ll complete the survey.

It’s a survey, not a poll.

i see no survey, why do some get it and some do not I wonder.

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It might be random, or it might have something to do with your play or purchase history.

It took me way longer than 5 minutes to sort out all those answers.