New World of Warcraft Survey

Yeah The allied race for the expansion release was the least import on all my survey, I dont want a dwarf in the horde.


Vote for this option:
‘I am willing to spend money on videogames and do not wait for deals and bargains’

If you want invites to future alphas and betas.



I thought shamans lost their class hall during some invasion scenario, but maybe they rebuilt it, I don’t know.

I didn’t get this survey, it’s not on my battlenet, I guess our Microblizz overlords found me unworthy… :cry:


It’s in the client. ppl already posted it at the top of this thread…

Please do not vote for mounts and pets…

It’s not there for everyone, I don’t have it either. But I was able to sign up for “Blizzard Research” which in the “Blizzard Research Portal” has no surveys going.

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It’s like I’ve always never said:

Folks With Scurvy, Ruin the Survey

Keep it secret, keep it safe…

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I hope they research on gnomes and vulpera.

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Ah, very effective reverse psychology! Say no more.


Yes we’re all a bunch of vitamin c deprived pirates :tangerine:
It’s probably because I used a link someone shared to a previous ‘private survey’ lol


If they really wanted people to notice they would do a blue post so it would get advertised on WoWHead. I mean, I never read the launcher because I usually see everything in other places so I have no reason to pay attention.

Not everyone got the same survey. Mine was literally only about the voice acting, sound, and music.

In my case that sale info is so blown up for some reason i don’t see the other tabs… although I’m curious what’s all on this survey now

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I’m doing the survey now and it says

"We ask that you please keep everything in this survey confidential "

OP Fail


You are not suppose to talk about the survey.


hey now. I’m no seaman. If you want pirate, check out the pirate in post #34 :pirate_flag:

I was going to make a very questionable joke about ships of the desert , but I’m behaving.

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those are mirages, friend. I hope you get the vitamin C and the dehydration taken care of post-haste. :upside_down_face:

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Class Order Halls are nothing without the hand carved custom quest lines building out the breadth and depth of the character development story.

Bringing them back in a hollow format, like covenant halls where they sit as window decorations, will not have the same impact.


So I just took the survey. It asked me 2 questions. Based on my answer of the second question I was ineligible for the rest. So. Yep.