New World of Warcraft Survey

Two things that grabbed my attention were “the return of Class Order Halls” and “itemization overhaul”. Now, these are NOT confirmed, just ideas Blizzard is entertaining. However, I would be interested in seeing Class Order Halls making a return (though some would need to be relocated or changed) and unless the itemization overhaul was referring to the new upgrade tracks, Flightstones, and crests introduced in Dragonflight Season 2 then I’m curious as to what they may mean.


Isnt the first rule of fight club not to talk about fight club?..I mean secret survey club


It was on my client, so I assume all if not many should have access to it.


Oh snap, I hadn’t noticed. They should really do a better job of announcing these surveys. I always find out through the forums.

Bottom left icon if anyone is interested in what it looks like.



Indeed. I just happened to notice before clicking “Play”.

Just put us in Ravenholdt Manor, like they should have the first time around, and not in a friggin sewer…


This was a good survey.

I requested level scaling in older zones, 70 scales to 10, and rewards from zones scale to you. I also requested the end of expansion only crafting. If I want a ilvl 502 heavy copper sword, I should be able to have it. Let me play my way, give me freedom.


I don’t have the survey, but I do have the option to sign up for “Blizzard Research.” Assuming signing up through there will prompt future surveys, because currently in the “Blizzard Research Portal” there are no surveys.

How long has this been a thing?


What’s weird is that the third sentence says:

We ask that you keep this survey and all of its contents confidential.

But yet everyone I know got the link to it. Oh well. lol


This is now the second survey via that I haven’t been included in and it’s rather annoying. These sorts of survey should be be pushed to everyone not a random selection of players based on some criteria.


Pvp activity was a easy click for most interested followed by itemization updates.

Pets and mounts least interested in, like bro the game has a million mounts and pets already in it.

I never get these :confused:

I mean, i do doubt how much my feedback would actually affect the game. But itd be nice to feel like theres a chance.

This would be fantastic honestly.

As long as there are no AP grinds and mandatory mission tables of course.

If they do new class halls, Mages and Rogues need new ones since ours are destroyed in the War Within…

I imagine at that point they may do new ones for them all, tho. Would be weird to recycle most of them except for 2.

Don’t feel too bad, they’re just going to use these to inform their next mobile game.

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So, let get this straight, the monk, shaman, mage, rogue all lost their original class halls, 'eh?

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What more do you want? It’s right there. Not their fault no one bothers to look at the announcements.

I believe it’s just Mage and Rogue.

Demon Hunter and Warlocks lost the gateway to their Order Halls, but the Order Halls themselves should be intact.

Monk Order Hall is the Wandering Isle now, but yes they lost the Peak of Serenity at the start of Legion.

Shamans still have the Maelstrom, or did something more happen there?

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