Sure, but when you see this
If I’m reading it right, just finishing everything for ONE covenant is 800,000 anima. An extra 500 a week is pennies.
Sure, but when you see this
If I’m reading it right, just finishing everything for ONE covenant is 800,000 anima. An extra 500 a week is pennies.
I feel pretty bad for the dressing room crowd this expansion.
Bliz tossing us scraps slowly out of their bag till we are happy then stopping there shutting the rest of the bag off.
You literally get 1250 anima for taking down Sunny D though.
I won’t get FOMO for not going to the maw, I’m doing what I want!
I ran around adding them all up at the vendors and for Night Fae, at least, the total needed to buy literally every single thing they can be used for is around 650. I’m at like 400 now and won’t get enough anima to buy anything for months (if ever) so yeah, grateful offerings are fine.
Until they up the Renown.
Yeah, I had over 700 before I spent a bunch and now I’ll have extra. Hehe
Yeah but it’s a break from it until ~June/July
Well… I guess it’s a start.
This is a boon to those who don’t care for the 1000 weekly anima quest.
I’m guessing that’s going away when our renown caps anyway, but when you get the one quest done, you get half of the other “for free”, so…add in the whatever weekly 250 there is, and you’re almost done.
As an actual source of anima, it’s a drop in the bucket.
i agree it would be better if we could get all the cosmetics in a day
While I hate to look a gift hoarse in the mouth, I am unimpressed. I really hope the decision to do this did not take too much carful thought and planning. You would think they would at least make us able to do an exchange at any time rather than sit on 100 useless spirits. That means five weeks of work before you get any results(?).
I guess they need to make sure you want to go fetch, 20, 30, 40, 50 souls for whatever reason but not to just quit the game.
It’s nice that they are giving us a bone but for crying out loud, t heir obsession with the maw is annoying. That zone sucks.
Is it hard for them to think of maybe giving those world quests some love, or something. Throw in some anima chunks when doing soulbind stuff or quests there too. (Not just those callings to do world quests that they ruined for me).,.
To be fair I like sadistic lunacy…this is just plain boring…
each raid boss should drop more anima
LFR 250 anima each boss down
Normal 350 anima
Heroic 550 anima
Mythic 650 anima
for dungeons
Normal 70 anima
Heroic 125 anima
m0 175 anima
m1 to 5 225anima
m6 to 10 300 anima
m10 to 15 450 anima
m15 and onwards 600 anima
That more reasonable
How about making cosmetics and nonsense cost gold? That would be an actual start.
This is a boon to those who don’t care for the 1000 weekly anima quest.
That quest is super easy, though. I’m surprised anyone would dislike it.
I’m guessing that’s going away when our renown caps
Doubtful. They can have the weeklies without the Renown reward.
Imagine being able to max out an entire expansion feature in a week.
i agree it would be better if we could get all the cosmetics in a day
Given this is GD I can’t tell if you are being funny or if you fell on your head?
LFR 250 anima each boss down
Normal 350 anima
Heroic 550 anima
Mythic 650 anima
Why the significant jump from N to H? If anything, the jump from H to M should be the biggest gain.