This is exactly why I just can't log in anymore (after 10+ years of playing)

Thanks to @Sinnie_Moon for putting it into perspective:

Some friends of mine did the math… Night Fae cosmetics cost 600k anima, the buildings cost 200k anima. For reference, that is 589 weeks of full clearing Nathria, 7000 m+ dungeons, or 700 weeks (14yrs) of just completing the 1k anima weekly :slight_smile:

and this:

Say you do 1 m+ a week, full clear the raid and farm ~2k anima a week from WQ… that’s 213 weeks until you can purchase everything from one (1) covenant.

Really, that is Shadowlands in a nutshell for a lot of us… I just cant force myself to do anything in SL any more… and it does make me sad.

I don’t have a solution, I just play the game they give us… and this is the first time I have logged in consistently and just sat in one zone (Oribos) for the entire time just looking at everything to do as such a chore, and then logging out without doing a single thing.


My assumption is that we’re going to be able to earn Anima 100x faster in the last patch of shadowlands, I wouldn’t try to get everything now.

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This is along with loot is in my opinion why Shadowlands has had such a poor reception. At least amongst the casual playerbase.


Try switching convents and you have to start all over again. Its a terrible system and the catch up needs to be upped alot.


They already added extra anima to get. For example in raids. The first patch hasn’t even come out yet and they flat out said at Blizzcon they will be adding even more ways to get it. Not to mention still a LONG ways to go with this expansion and we all know they will increase anima throughout the expansion.

This thread is moot based on the math from the OP.

Those numbers are way off. For example the entire ember court cosmetic set is around 10k anima.

You can farm around 7k anima a week. I am not disagreeing with you and saying anima collection is fine. They should buff it a ton or add something that ramps it up over time like for artifact power/azerite but its not as bad as you are making it out to be.

So we should all unsub and quit playing for 2 years.


I’d care more about this if I cared at all about the covenant cosmetics. I have 0 desire to obtain a bland recolor of the campaign set that I have…ohhhh I can have the kyrian set in black or white to go along with the exact same one in gold…yay!!! /s


I agree, but the sad thing is there is nothing AT ALL to play for.

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Yeah I guess there is some truth to that if you aren’t doing M+ gridning for KSM or pushing raids. I really expected that the covenant cosmetics would be some dope looking set I really wanted.

I really miss the days of class specific raid sets.


Either anima costs need to be lowered by a substantial amount or anima rewards to be substantially more.

So they added long term rewards that you have to grind for and the outcome is that you don’t feel like playing anymore?


Also, as others have pointed out its not hard to get 5K+ anima a week just by playing the game.

On a side note, once you reach renown 40 they will reward you with 500 anima for collecting 20 souls weekly

Yep, by then Shadowlands will be polished and out of beta. :+1:

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For many players, it seems, it’s a matter of degree.

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My hopes are that I dont need to lvl up 4 cloth char, 4 leather, 4 mail, and 4 plate, to get all sets, Im leveling 1 char on each covenant, i just hope they give us all the mogs if u at least have 1 charater full with a covenant

The math isnt moot. Its literally all there is right now except for promises that have yet to be made into reality. Everything you said has yet to happen and is therefore fantasy.

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But but but where would the meaningful choice be if you could just buy it all before the heat death of the universe? /s