New way to get anima in 9.0.5

Well… I guess it’s a start. :woman_shrugging:t4:


I won’t lie it is a very weak start.


I might be little to late tho


Ah yeah, pretty sure that was revealed in Blizzcon.

Its a start thats for sure.

Eh… kinda? i mean thats half of the 1k anima weekly just for standing still hitting rocks.

Watch them up the other weekly to 1500 anima because of this. :rofl:


Yeah, pretty weak considering all the things I need to collect.

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No way to get anima in 9.0.5.

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When a single cosmetic costs 3k anima …

The whole anima system is so out of touch, it’s months of grinding every anima quest every day to buy this stuff. I mean there’s Time-In-Game KPI metrics then there’s just sadistic lunacy.


Its the castle for me. Irksome is one word.

Its there…we won. Hey mall walker, go over there and grab a container. Hell, Grab 2. YOu earned this dude.

and we walk away with several grand of anima to take back to our covenant.


Really? I have more Grateful Offerings than I’ll ever use. And I only run three of my dailies to get them. I even spent a bunch just getting memories for poops and giggles.

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Slight improvement. Story wise that makes sense. But I admit as a player it’s only a small crumb of improvement.

The reward is way too low, the prices are very high and 500 extra anima will hardly be noticeable.



Pretty sure next week when I’m done with this gated renown crap, I’m going to stop collecting anima and souls until I have to do so again in 9.1.

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People are impatient and usually have emotional responses because of it. I have no doubt as the future content cycles are released the anima amounts that drop will increase as well.

I.E. the game will be how it should’ve been on RELEASE, in 9.3.



It is something but this is a very weak attempt to fix the huge anima problem.
500 a week is only like 26,000 a year. That is enough to buy like 1 or 2 sanctum upgrades or maybe 3-4 cosmetics? I know no one will only do this weekly for a year but that shows how little it actually is.
And it is even worse that you have to be capped on souls to even get this extra amount.

Anima drops from all content need to be increased, at least doubled in my opinion. Or prices need to be drastically lowered. I’ve said in other threads I don’t expect to have everything immediately, I am fine with working a bit for it. But expecting all the basic covenant items to be farmed for years is obnoxious and overwhelming. It makes me not want to bother. This system is so out of touch.

I was hoping for an anima increase across the board for 9.0.5 but I doubt it will happen.



As soon as I’m renown 40 I’m not gathering another freaking soul. Not for anima, not for gold, not for anything.


Didn’t they basically say the idea is that you collect everything by the end of the expansion? if people collected everything in the first 6 months, then they would complain about having nothing to collect.